Watayuri / Yuri Is My Job Anime adaptation announced - First PV

YuriCHADS, we just can't stop winning. Yeah it may be Citrus-tier but at least the author isn't a retarded traitor like Nio Nakatani and Wakame Konbu

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Can you make a non-schizo thread?

>local antiyuri schizo made another bait thread

is this a good series?

t. schizo

fuck off Any Forumstard

Let me guess: this is a shitpost in reponse to the suspicious maid anime announcement thread.
It's officially licensed so most of us didn't get to read it.

No it's just local schizo doing his baiting ritual
He was doing in the maid thread but no one was biting so he made this

what do /u/fags have against Nio Nakatani and Wakame Konbu?

Nothing, they are both beloved in /u/, it's just a schizo trying to get people to fight

Which schizo are you talking about?
The one who thinks everyone in the thread is a same person? or the one who thinks any post that made yurifag look retarded is anti-yurifag false flag?

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The one from Healer Girl threads.

Yeah, it's probably that one, he is always claiming yurifags hates X when in truth they are fine with it because they are getting too much content to keep track of who is doing what

This. As a yuri fan I also love shotas and occasionally harem romcom.

This shit better be proper yuri
so far Shokei Shoujo and Vampire in the Garden have been disappointing as yuri shows

None of which are billed as yuri officially
Watayuri isn't

Nah, Watayuri only has girls in romantic love, confessing, kissing and having sex.

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>and having sex
Would any of that make it into the anime?

Ogura Yui uoh

Not as a main point since it's on the later volumes, volumes 3 and 4 only have short explicit references about a girls who worked there and were fucking, assuming the anime will only have a single season of course.

It's alright. It can get pretty melodramatic at times, but there's actual payoff and the girls don't pretend they're just super best friends. The problem with adapting it is about every 2 volumes it shifts which pairing is in focus. I don't know how they'll get around that without devoting the 2nd half of the anime to a yaya. It also won't reach the best parts, but hey that's every yuri anime.