Tokyo Revengers

SHIT plot
SHIT concept
SHIT protagonist
SHIT characters
SHIT author
SHIT art
SHIT series

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My King

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Will I hate this anime if I can't stand shows that glorify criminals?

how strong is mikeys kick strength?

Yes. Go back to watching cop propaganda

In Tokyo Revengers Episode 7 "Revive", Manjiro Sano, also known as Mikey, president of the Tokyo Manji Gang, KOs Moebius' president, Nobutaka Osanai, with a high-kick attack. It was a momentary event of 0.45 seconds on my watch. Mikey's high-speed kick is amazing. He raised his right knee high without shifting his core at all and the next moment, his right foot hit Osanai's temple. Checking frame by frame, it only takes 0.35 seconds to raise it high. After that, with his hips, Mikey's right foot draws a tight arc and it takes 0.1 seconds to hit Osanai's temple directly. Mikey's height is 162 cm tall and from the ratio of Mikey's whole body to below the knee, Mikey's height below the knee is estimated to be 43.8 cm. If we assume that Mikey's toes move in a semicircle with the knee as the starting point when kicking, the distance traveled by the toes is a radius of 43.8 cm. For simplicity, assuming that this distance is the same acceleration motion for 0.1 seconds from a stationary state, the speed of Mikey's toes at the moment of hitting the temple is 27.6 meters/second or about 100 kilometers/hour. Let's assume the weight of the right foot (~17.5% of a person's body weight) and about 30% of the remaining body weight are on the right foot at the time of the direct hit of the high kick. Mikey weighs 56 kg, so its weight can be calculated to 23.7 kg. Since the acceleration of the right foot between the direct hit high kick is 27.6 meters/second from the previous calculation, Mikey's high kick is estimated to be 6535.7 N, that is about 666 kg of weight. The power of this high kick is a demonic power comparable to that of a kickboxing champion. In front of this kick, it's inevitable that Osanai would be KO'd even though he is the president of Moebius.

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nigger hands typed this post

It's unironically about teens wnating to be stupid with their friends, ride bikes, tinker with bikes and ocassionally brawl like the teen idiots they are getting into hell because few sociopaths decided to get serious and start mess like stabbing. Overall it's essentially story about time traveler trying to stop his teenage friends from fucking over their lifes and dealing with the fact that yandere fuck terrorising them actually got into contact with another time traveler along the way. I haven't read much more.

I tried i really did but i got bored and dropped it. People call deku a whiny bitch and he is but at least he has progress this mc just keeps getting his ass kicked and its boring.

He won a fight against that guy when Draken was stabbed, and he's been willing to scrap more.

It's a perfect concept but an incredibly underwhelming conclusion.

>delinquent manga
>but here's the twist! it has time travel omg
>perfect concept

Don't you have a school to shoot?

I agree. Almost two decades without any good delinquent stories

the MC is an upstanding citizen who is fighting against a criminal organization and who keeps getting shat on by this general(90% fujos) for taking matters into his own hands

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It's actually pretty based except for the fact that it didn't end when it should have ended.



I haven't watched this show but the character design is moeblob tier
I can't take these guys seriously because of
a. how young they are
b. the cutesy moeblob designs
action anime / manga should have character designs that match the tone of the story

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It took Deku until the second season to realise he could kick. Takemichi isn't exactly fast himself but even he wasn't that retarded