Stop pirating anime!

Stop pirating anime!

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I liked Mahou Shoujo Site and I did not consent to see its panels being used as a reddit reaction image

What if I'm watching it on CR (with adblock) if it's unlocked for free users?



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Until there's actually a good reason not to, NO!

Hey its that "Stop Babe Not Super Idol" girl.

Why would you defend copyright? Its the dumbest shit

I'll stop when the streaming wars stop

so never?

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Why yes, im subbed to CR

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>”user, Stop saying this, you’re not [character], your not making any sense”
>[Character Quotes]

>been actively using a PC for over 20 years
>never, not once, have I paid for ANY digital product

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>has a pirate as their logo
>sales carried by a pirate manga
>doesn't support piracy
what a bunch of hypocrites

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Then you’re just supporting shit sub. Arguably worse than piracy, so you’re just a dick at this point

Did someone say pirate?!

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How did that even happen anyway?

Post it

I pirate my softwares, manga, anime, movies, books, music and my video games.

Entertainment shouldn't cost me anything.

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Someone should make a bad ending doujin where the tube gets sabotaged and redirects her straight to a rape dungeon where she gets raped.