How did he know what his stand was?

how did he know what his stand was?

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the instructions came with the packaging.

like the lucky guy and spice girls, it told him

Maybe it returns and revives him after absorbing enough matter.

Araki told him

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If he survived getting stabbed by the arrow then they must’ve known he had a stand. Something that isn’t really brought up is that his stand comes out before he’s dead so they’re must’ve been a way to use it without just dying

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Maybe the stand just shows up and hovers around doing nothing or only small things, like carrying a cup of coffee, and it's true power is released when the user dies.

I like to imagine the fusion element was his actual stand, and the grudge was another one of those supernatural elements like vampires and those cryptids that one stand can use; part of the supernatural world, not necessarily connected to Stands, just materializing through it.

How else do people see dead people in the clouds, and spirits have a means to exist in the real world in some form like in Part 4? The Stand manifested as part of the grudge and became this undefeatable thing.

Nobody knows, and nobody needs to know.

>laughs in civil war

Araki really needs a better editor, I know he just makes up shit for the story to be cool, but sometimes it gets just ridiculuos or it is clear the dude forgot about the existance of some characters or hanging subplots, like Jotaro trying to contact Giorno.

>laughs in 5 different standos

including star platinum

Maybe the stand was manipulating the user like Cheap Trick did it

Its weird when the author speaks to the reader directly through characters. It makes Jotaro look arrogant for stating it so absolutely

I figured Jotaro gave up on chasing him once Koichi told him Giorno is a good person.

This guy gets it.

Maybe Araki just didn't care to work Giorno into Stone Ocean or couldn't figure out how to make it happen.

Notorious BIG working after the user's death wasn't part of its power. That was just something that happened unexpectedly due to his tenacity.

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I just no prize that his Stand worked in life the same as it did in death simply bound to him within a range. His stand just lived beyond him like the other posthumous Stands.

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I wonder if Capcom would do him a fightable character in PS2 Vento if they didn't have to cut half of the game

But then why did he just walk up to them asking to get shot?

He was probably really dumb.

>But then why did he just walk up to them asking to get shot?
Far stranger and stupider things have happened.
Maybe he was just really confident?

near death experience

He's a fucking retard.He looks like he has Downs Syndrome.

>Only ones to not be affected by MIH are Pucci himself and God

Why did God allow the universe reset to happen? I get because of fate and all, but will God wind up being eventually being the last battle in all of Jojo? It would be kind of poetic giving how much Fate plays a huge role in the series

>Final boss is GOD
Turns out the J in JRPG stood for Jojo.

God will take the form of a dog and his ability will be able to cancel Stands/Ripple/Spin