Was this the worst anime ever made?

Was this the worst anime ever made?

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No, but it made the worst fanbase of all time.

This isn't The Great Pretender, so no

It's mediocre, derivative and overrated, but it's nowhere near the worst

no but i dropped it at episode 6

Nah, its a great series.
Worst series would be things like Re:Zero, Isekai wa smartphone, Puppa...

I didn't know Bronies were into NGE.

No, but it is the anime that damaged the industry the most.

sword art online 2 is the worst anime ever made.


>the anime that saved the industry is the one that damaged it

If you can watch NGE and say that it's bad or even mediocre your opinion doesn't deserve notice.
Were the last two episodes random bs? Kinda. Was the movie ending pretentious? Absolutely. Is it the best thing since sliced bread? No.
But what you get from the series is by far too much of value in terms of basically everything that you just can't ignore it. Especially the presentation surpasses 99.9% of all other TV anime I've seen. What devides the haters from the diehard fans is basically the ending and the fact that the creator got too much up his own ass. When the movie came out the presentation was still masterful and it was a gigantic climax, just that for some people important details and backround knowledge got skimmed while a part of the movie was spent in real world with hideaki anno being pathetic and for some people the presentation was enough to ignore the bad parts and just enjoy their climax.


>evangelion damaged meme
Of all the faggot memes this is the most esoteric

Worst how?

But what about My Hero Academia


I've never seen it.

It's a master piece and makes contrarian faggots seethe in menstruating rage.
It has it all. Action, drama, psycho analysis, philosophy based off real European philosophers works, religious and science nuance, moral dilemmas, some of the most iconic soundtracks in anime, fanservice, real life pop culture impact.

Evangelion will always be the anime to hit the contrarian cock suckers' nerves the hardest, because they can't even elaborate answers other than buzzing 'overrated' or 'it's shit' and leaving or deflect the attention to the fanbase or another third party like the studio or director.
Any anime that achieves so much in only 24 episodes has something to it.

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yeah, kind of.


OH SNAP, quads fired! Great Pretender is heist trash and got indirectly roasted by Rick and Morty. Imagine being called out on your bullshit by Rick and Morty lol.


This, but without a hint of irony.