When will VN adaptations come back in vogue?

When will VN adaptations come back in vogue?

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When we get another plotge that can be adapted into a decent anime. Hasn't been one in a decade though.

Believing in Karen!

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DDLC adaptation when

Dead medium. No reason to make a traditional VN when you can make a VN that actually makes money (mobile game).

I would've called you crazy, but RBWY is on the way.


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Could people handle her getting her own anime?

Which studio can replicate the magic that is Nukitashi?

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I need her

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Karenposter, I kneel. I wish I was so faithful to my waifu as you.

I really wish user was crazy.

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However long it takes for other source media to run dry of half-decent stories and the anime industry collectively figures there's enough vaguely worthwhile unadapted VNs to be worth doing.

This and Prison School need more attention, but I'm not confident an anime will do them justice.

What was the last high profile VN adaptation? S;G 0?

I hope it'll never happen, but it's very likely the malicious midget will do it someday. Ain't no way he'd pass this one up.

Stop replying to yourself. Even Japan doesn't care about hentai prison.

Says who? No, /jp/ doesn't count.


Right after disco does.

>QUALITY Abridged fest
Damn, the absolute state.