What did Emilia-tan mean by this?

What did Emilia-tan mean by this?

Attached: [EMBER] Re Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu S2 - 25.mkv_snapshot_11.26_[2021.03.25_20.06.06].jpg (1920x1080, 838.06K)


She goes to a nine year old for sex advice.

She’s dumb, this season shoved that in your face time and time again

This series is worthless trash.

Rezerofags will think that this is cute.


She shouldn't have kissed Subaru without protection

Attached: emiliapout.jpg (1067x734, 256.84K)

Cute is the only thing she's able to be.

Normally this means that the person is pregnant.

Means she raped Subaru for their first kiss.

That is what makes it good.

preceded by sexual penetration and likely lots of handholding

by jard-kun.

Reminder that this series is written by a hack author.
Rem was put to sleep because people prefer her over this dumb slut

Don't forget leg locking

How does a kiss feel like?

Holy shit what? How can you not fucking know?

this is why anime will never be considered art.
this is why anime will always be considered a media for children and why you're (rightfully) look down upon by most of society for consuming it.
>inb4 a bunch of cope
dont even bother, i will not return to this thread.

I'm not up to date with what the kids are watching, I'm usually on Any Forums discussing more important, mature issues than children's cartoons.

Anything can be considered art. I can puke on a canvas and somebody would consider it art.
So anime is art. Art of the lowest denominator, but art nonetheless.

no one's gonna catch me sneaky shitposting before the thread is archived.

Attached: sneaky.jpg (656x613, 40.74K)

was it even french?

statistically virginity rates in youth in the west are rising, so the customer basis you identify seems to be increasing.
and the cultural shift to anime being considered not a childrens product is happening aswell.