He is right you know

He is right you know

Attached: yang wenli.jpg (512x384, 50.76K)

>cavemen were doing X so that means X is good
Alcohol is poison, I'm glad I haven't touched that shit in over 5 years now

How can you not drink for 5 years? Alcohol is amazing

Some people (like me) drink to get drunk, and then when they get drunk they become complete assholes.

Booze is only good for wasting time and passing out. Even then, the sleep you get from alcohol intoxication is useless and leaves you exhausted even after you’ve slept for 8 hours.

I guess, though, to be fair— if you’re drinking with good drinking company then yeah, booze is amazing. Otherwise, it’s cancer.

hey man you can drink whatever you want as long as you do it responsibly

I drink before work, like two shots of vodka and mayber a beer and it is real great.

>I am a worthless cunt, alcohol bad

I have never seen someone magically turning into an asshole after consuming alcohol, they're always assholes sober too

>cavemen were doing X so that means X is not good anymore
Alcohol was invented before the wheel for a reason. Sure, drinking too much will be bad for you, but alcohol also probably saved billions from infections through human history.

I'm an asshole but when I'm sober I know how to hide my contempt for people

Not really, only braindead retards won't pick up on it in about 30 seconds

If alcohol is sk good, how comes I wake up in the hospital every time I drink it?

You're supposed to drink the beer, not shove the can up your ass.

He's not, it's just a funny piece of dialogue, actually more just an observation than anything else

How about, I FEEL like an asshole? More often than not, when I wake up the next day after a drunken romp I am struck by the terror of not being able to 100% recollect everything I may or may not have said the night before. People often reassure me that everything was fine, but I’ve also pissed a lot of people off. Evidently my drunken persona is a very polarizing character.

Either that or I really am just a huge asshole in denial. That’d make the most sense.

You don’t feel tired and irritable shortly after the buzz wears off? Because I sure as hell do.

>mentally ill narcissist can't handle intoxication
many such cases

I’m assuming that you haven’t been drinking for very long. Enjoy it while it lasts, user, because it doesn’t.

>low-res image
Bait thread.

Dude, almost nobody has a drinking problem. You're a worthless vapid cunt who pretends alcohol turns you into a bad person, because you can't even begin to understand the concept of responsibility

>almost nobody has a drinking problem
kek this has got to be fucking bait

>Dude everyone is an alkie, I'm not responsible
Stop drinking

>narcissist head canon
keep posting son this is entertaining

>it takes about 30 seconds for the retard complaining that alcohol turns in into an asshole to dodge responsibility and blame everyone else
What a shock

You’re obviously too goddamn inexperienced to have any fucking clue what you’re talking about. If this isn’t bait then God help you.

I never got the appeal of alcohol. It tastes like shit and oh great now I have to take a piss.

>dude you, like, don't know what you're talking about
God shut the fuck up
What an annoying cunt you are
Almost nobody has a drinking problem, you're just a worthless alkie who wants to feel part of something bigger to avoir facing the fact that you're an asshole and that you have no concept of personal responsibility
Fucking grow up