Has horror ever really been done well in an anime without resorting to shock value with over-animated gore?

Has horror ever really been done well in an anime without resorting to shock value with over-animated gore?

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Horror has never really been done well.

Anime is the wrong medium for spooky stuff, video games are much more suited for an immersive and oppressive experience. Silent Hill is scary, the animated counterpart wouldn't be.

Perfect blue

I dont think so but that has probably also to do with how most non horror anime get this tag
snk, parasyte, dorohedoro, danganronpa etc. are all horror apparently
so maybe the japs think that gore = horror?
I wouldnt even consider shiki horror because there are like only 2 horror scenes in 26 episodes
the only shows where I could feel the tension and was actually uncomfortable and even looked behind me a few times kek
were the first higurashi season and the first few another episodes before it turned into final destination

The first 7~ episodes of Shiki are probably the best horror you'll get in anime.

I never cared about Shiki. I think the themes of "conflicting vampires" and "humans = real monsters" are way too basic.
Also the loli was annoying.

>"humans = real monsters"
It was more of putting your own before an invasive species. The cunty vampires invading and trying to overtake a small community aren't the good guys in the slightest.

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I thought Shiki, Shin Sekai Yori and early TPN handled horror well.

horror is too vague of a term. i liked gyo tokyo fish attack and Seoul station but that's more of a "this is fucked" thing and tension instead of actually being spooked. gyo tokyo gets me because the creatures are especially disgusting, fucking hate insect legs.
sorry, only videos i could find.
(yes the live action did it better)

Hataraku Maou-sama had a pretty effective jumpscare

anime isn't a good medium for most horror genre's because its so strongly based around a (usually) visually attractive aesthetic.

I'll probably call stuff like Shiki or higurashi terror instead of horror. Terror usually encompasses the dread of something happening, while horror usually is those scary things that happen on screen. For shiki, the dread of what was happening, alongside the creepy OST, was the main draw
But the genre is always hit or miss and depends on the person. And that if they ever come past the revelations (if any), they usually end up shifting in genre or falling flat

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Horror as a genre is severely flawed and relies on the viewer to be a scared little faggot who is mentally 6.

The quality jumps all over the place from ep to ep, but there are some really fucking spooky episodes of yamishibai. The hair in the photocopier one makes my skin crawl. And then you get examples like
>they're saying banzai backwards!

Ghost Hound
But it's more of psychological horror

Everybody in this thread is a fucking moron

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Clearly not everybody since since other user posted perfect blue over an hour ago

I don't think there was any gore in Vampire Princess Miyu

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Ghost Hunt

I think the kind of horror you're talking about engaged the viewer's imagination, which is far more effective than anything you actually explicitly show.
Shinsekai Yori did it well when it teased out just enough information to let your imagination fill in the blanks of what happened to the two characters who ran away before the time-skip.
They never show anything, there's no exposition dump, and you realize it around the same time as the main character does. I thought it was pretty effective, certainly more so than if they had actually had some lame flashback or lurid retelling.

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The mom embracing the (now corpse) of her child who was slowly killed by the vampires was probably the most effective horror scene in Shiki. It wasn't really gore, but I suppose you could argue it's "shock value".

It still was aparrent enough that most humans are shit too, human side are the ones slugging each other with lead pipes for fun and also the ones who burn down everything on their own in the end, thanks to their representative, the doctor being a massive subhuman faggot who had to go lie a around like a sack of shit instead of working when some vampshit started preying on children of crazy mom, if anything both deserve each other at the end of the show.

That's all you projecting shit, user.

What do ya mean? That human friendly fire incident and doc comfy grass time doesn't count since its from extra episodes or something?

The shiki came into the village with the express purpose of turning and overtaking as many villagers as they could, with no desire for coexistence or sustainability. The humans are fully justified in fighting for their own survival and removing the invaders. The only shiki that could be seen as moral were the nurse who refused to feed at the expense of innocents, and arguably Tohru who was too weak to do the same.

I don't think moral justification particularly matters, in the end village was done in by humans at faster rate than vampires could get them.
>The only shiki that could be seen as moral were the nurse who refused to feed at the expense of innocents, and arguably Tohru who was too weak to do the same.
And look where it got them.

>in the end village was done in by humans at faster rate than vampires could get them.
Are you ignoring the part where the vampires had already wiped out a massive chunk of the small village population before the humans hit a breaking point and removing the beasts threatening their existence?

This. The vampires are the real assholes who slowly killed off the population/turned them against their own and cornered them enough to uprise.
I felt nothing but dread for the villagers despite not liking them.

I think they just lump thriller and horror under the same umbrella.

Watching horror to be scared is the most plebeian way of consuming the medium. You are no longer a kid, you are not meant to be scared by shit that doesnt exists anymore; its silly that you demand creators to come up with cheap tricks to make your jaded brain feel a sliver of the genuine emotion you used to feel and it only results in sterile "dont show the monster" works.
Patricians appreciate horror as a creative exploration of the grotesque; They don't foolishly hold the creator responsible in handholding them through the experience and implant the feeling directly onto their hearts.

>The only shiki that could be seen as moral were the nurse who refused to feed at the expense of innocents, and arguably Tohru who was too weak to do the same
I feel sympathetic for all of them, it's not their faults that they were turned into shiki. Ultimately the original vampires are the only truly evil ones.

It came down to their own death, or them continuing to kill humans for sustenance. Most of them like Nao were pitiable, but suffer not the monster to live.

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Horror is pretty cucked genre that hardly works out in any medium, let alone anime.

Only if you're a retard that expects to be scared watching/reading stories.

The only media that ever vaguely had me on edge was Legend of the Golden Witch, of course the dogshit anime adaptation of Umineko absolutely threw all that out the window.

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>They never show anything, there's no exposition dump, and you realize it around the same time as the main character does
I still remember the scene where Saki realizes who the fiend was, with the music, incredible.
It really does the "show don't tell" really well. Then there's the walking library expo dumps, but I don't even know in what other way they can convey that information so I don't mind it that much

Fuck I want to rewatch now. For all of its flaws I still consider it a great anime

Open under your own discussion. Blasphemous creature from beyond behind the spoiler

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Best post ITT. Just because it didn't make you pee your pants and cry doesn't mean it wasn't horror or it didn't work. It's meant to be a solemn, macabre experience that looks at some of the more unpleasant, disgusting or taboo aspects of human experiences and mythology, and utilizes these to tell a story. Whether or not it leaves you unsettled is entirely up to you as a viewer.

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thats more of a thriller than a horror

>over-elaborate secret sword techniques handed down for a hundred generations
I sleep.
>cartel-style street executions

There is very little actual good horror in western media that doesn't resort to shock value or gore.
Anime does well really fucked up stories disguised behind cutesy designs.

Those 2 hospital episodes of SSY

Everyone was so retarded but the first episodes were pretty good, and actually kinda scary if you watch this as a child mostly because of the music. Top tier soundtrack

This pretty much
Faggots think they're cool and act like "uuhrh tjat wasn't scary at all" but that's not the point

Junji Ito

also not all of his works have been great.

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user...Ito got a television anime a few years ago.

reality melding with the internet is an absolute nightmare scenario
also some of the early experiments were quite fucked

Does the latter part of Houseki no Kuni count if it hasn't been animated yet?

That one episode where they drag all the vampires out into the morning sun and the bartender just gets instantly mindbroken by their screams is a god tier scene

Not anime but I found the VN for the first volume of Higurashi to be pretty spooky. Especially the part where Keiichi is having that phone call with the detective, and afterwards he finds out from his dad that Rena was listening in the entire time from right outside his door, and she left just before he got out of his room. I think the sound design had a lot to do with making that scene feel so dreadful.

Another part was when Keiichi senses that someone invisible is standing directly behind him. Its later on revealed to be this autistic loli spirit named Hanyu, but at the time, I hadn't watched the anime yet so the whole experience felt terrifying. It's a shame the rest of the novels weren't as scary as the first one. This was probably the only time I've ever been legitimately spooked by the medium.

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and it wasnt well done, fairly sure everyone agreed on this



Proper horror only works in interactive format, thus only VNs could pull off a solid horror.

No that's just jumpscares.

Betterman is one of the only effective horror anime I have seen. The atmosphere in that show gets really oppressive.

Magnetic Rose

I think Lain has some good horror elements. There's a part that focuses on Lains sister thats' really creepy if I remember correctly.

anons have posted that she got replaced by a phone but I'm just not seeing it

Look at how many people in this thread think that horror means scares and I think you'll understand why horror is a dead genre.

Umineko also excels at horror but in a more traditional, less schizophrenia-based manner. It might even be better than Higurashi since it's just as, if not more tense despite the main character not feeling like the entire world is out to get him. The OST does a great job too:
I've only read the first arc so far, though.

One thing I've noticed that anime seem to be unable to rely on horror as the main element for a long time. Like, you have Another that starts very haunting but then things get explained and then it gets stupid. Or how Hgurashi was a true horror only for the very first arc (could be R07's intention though).

Cossette was good

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