CODE: Geass

Why didnt Lulu just use his Geass powers to fuck all the hottest girls at his school?

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He has a weak libido.

He didn't need to; they were already lining up to fuck him.
Lelouch was the most popular guy in school. When Sayoko impersonated him in S2, she set him up on like 100 dates.

first the throne then the bitches

he was gay as fuck

Who needs Geass when hes already got 4 perfectly good girls after him?

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What an incredible harem.

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I honestly wouldn't even be surprised if this was canon considering that whole overdone thing about him having zero physical stamina.

He really really didn't need to.

He's a GAYASS. He's GAY. He's a faggot. He's a char clone. Char fucked bitches while lelouch has no dick & balls.

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lelouch is not a man.

Correct, he's a teenager.

He's a siscon. All he thinks of is his sister.

Just use your gayass powers to give yourself unlimited goddick or something I dunno I didn't watch the show

Okay, then why didn't he use his Geass powers to fuck all the hottest DUDES at his school?

Fucking men is twice as manly (straight) as fucking women. Since 1+1 man = 2 man. Lelouch is not manly. He is GAY. He is EFFEMINATE. Therefore he doesn't fuck men.

He's not a boy ether.

>but here (points to crotch) she has volume.
I will never not love this absolute madman.

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>1 man + 1 man = 2 man
> 1 man log -1 = 1 boy
> 2 mans log -1 = 2 boys
>only 1 sweaty, supple boy can own 1 penie weenie at a time
>cute, toned teenage boys having penie weenies with them at all times
>toTaLLy nOt GAy

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Based Tomino creating females the male MCs wouldn't look pathetic stucking their dick in.

haven't seen the show in a long ass time but can't he only use his geass once per person? If he were to geass himself, he won't use it for something like that.

How in the hell did his hormones not kick in yet?

he was loyal to nunnally

Tomino in got the right idea. Code Geass should've made Shirley into the kind of girlfriend who could've been a mother to Lulu.