Drugs in anime

it's not a very common subject matter but what are some examples of drugs in anime and manga? realistic ones seem especially hard to come by.

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Japan isn't progressive at all about drug use- in fact it's the exact opposite- they're abstemious to the point of utter ignorance.
Drugs aren't just bad, they're criminal, and any drug use whatsoever has to be shown under the most negative possible light in media.

If you want to DUDE WEED LMAO, find some other media to do it. Japan hates drugs, and drugs are bad, mmm'kay?

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The Japanese are civilized, they don't do drugs.

only one I can think of is Kara no kyoukai, where it shows acid dealing and use. Not sure if it’s realistic though, I doubt that much acid is circulating Tokyo


interesting i'll check that out

iirc in an episode of pet they visit a weed grow house

but outside of performance enhancing contexts is basically right, you don't see it in japanese media

It’s in the 5th movie if I remember correctly

Based slant-eyed nation

>Not sure if it’s realistic though
Japan does not know drugs.

is it safe to say the only positive portrayal of weed in anime is samurai champloo?

it's like reading a quentin comic

Jack Hanma is a fuckin addict. Man is more steroids than human.

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These guys make me want to take roids so badly

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If you don't do drugs, you're a pussy.

The only one I can think of is very early on in Shamo, where the protag sees the wounds of his dead girlfriend filled with ants

>The American Company Making Everything of German Medicine

Translation on point

Donate plasma so that pink anime girls can live.

I just think of looney tunes when I see ACME.

My sister started going to a plasma place recently and they're paying her like $150 a visit, and she can go up to twice every week. We live in a poor rural area too, it's not like this is California or somewhere with a high cost of living. How can they even justify paying that much?

They invented meth.

hmmm in redline they were doing coke.
In this anime called Sarazanmai there was this scene where it showed weed plants hanging and being cut up and packaged for sale but that whole show was really weird and abstract
Cowboy Bebop has a few drug references
The author of cat soup was known to use psychadelics
I dont know, not a huge amount of actual drug use in a anime for sure

lord slug from the movie DBZ lord slug has a bowl of pills and eats handfuls of pills