CSM was a one in a billion manga. Jump will never have a series as good ever again and that makes me sad...

CSM was a one in a billion manga. Jump will never have a series as good ever again and that makes me sad. No matter what your opinion is, one thing is certain. CSM was a groundbreaking work and is something that can never be repeated.

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ok. guess there's nothing else to be said on the matter

loli AET pizza!!!!!!

picked up for the cute loli


everyone's distracted by the loli

Part 2 is this summer.

That's what I said about HxH and FMA (2003) but here we are, AOT and CSM were created.

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you don't /thread your own post newfag

if you think CSM was groundbreaking you're retarded

CSM was good, but don't oversell it

This but absolutely unironically. Chainsaw Man was an actual lightning in a bottle for modern manga standards.

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>Jump will never have a series as good ever again
You dumbfuck Jump is the biggest publisher there is, they're way more likely to get a gem by the sheer number of mangaka trying to hack it

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It was top 20 shonen jump manga I'd say
Not in the top 10 though

you telling me i have to wait another 10 years?

>mogs your entire series

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Lmao worst arc in shonen
Fish missiles and punch bugs and jobbers for days

Well there are tons of young aspiring mangakas who read and learned from Chainsaw Man.
It'll likely be years until something comes out as good in Jump but we'll both likely be alive for at least 40-60 years depending on your age, which is a shit ton of time for generations of managakas who read and loved Chainsaw Man to put stuff out.

P.S read Dorohedoro, most similar manga and is very high quality.

csm as in chinga su madre?

If you don'l like CSM you are an idiot

