Could they have ever been beaten without it feeling like an asspull?

Could they have ever been beaten without it feeling like an asspull?

Attached: Manga_E0F_God_Hand.png (1853x1400, 714.81K)

Sure if Guts and company found a way to weaken them by some spell or item or something


with Guts as he currently is? not with the Dragonslayer. he needs to infuse his greatsword with the same magic Skull Knight used on his sword. with the Berserk armor + magic DS then he can beat a Godhand as long as the fight doesn't go on for too long.

They were already starting to establish that these ones weren't even the first set so something probably could have been done.

Attached: godhand og.png (2266x1600, 2.12M)

By guts? No. By their own way of life leading them to infighting and self destruction? Easily.

People overestimate how powerful the godhand really are. Femto is really the only strong one.

Their entire existence is an asspull.

yeah, they become allies

>Could they have ever been beaten without it feeling like an asspull?

They can be beaten as long as they're corporeal, all the setup was right there.

Guts' sword can destroy spirits already, the other characters' weapons were getting augmented with magic. The Sword of actuation exists, along with skull Knight's armor.

Additionally, we haven't seen any good showings from them which show that Guts' couldn't beat them when they're tangible

> Creativity is an asspull

Fuck off man

tbf we don't know much about the god hand and outside the eclipse, faux eclipse and birth of the astral world, we've only ever seen Femto and Slan do anything. Void is hinted at being very powerful.

No, other wise Miura had done something about them instead of wasting time on filler crap and dragging down his series

The behelit is an asspull device dude

it's fair to assume 4 of those were killed by skull knight

I feel he'd be taken way more seriously as a threat if that was true. They were pretty dismissive of him in the eclipse.

Since the god hand are made by the sacrifice of their loved ones, and the idea of evil was made by humans desire to have a reason for suffering. Theoretically a lot of people wishing/praying/magicing could probably weaken them enough for guts to kill them.

Attached: Guts vs Grunbeld.jfif.jpg (2048x1510, 1.2M)

Anyone else notice how similair the little lion looking is to the sigil word by zodd in his human form?


them what do you think happened to them?


the only one who's still on the roster did shady shit