One Piece

Did he know Luffy is Joyboy?

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who the FUCK is joyboy

How could BB's claws inflict that wound?
The scars are too close together

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user, OP image is just one scene.

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It was actually haki infused ropes of cum that grazed shanks face. Red hair is said to wake up in a cold sweat screaming he can still smell the scent of a real man deep in his wound

Yes, and he turned him in as soon as he found out he was a fishlover

Shit, it does align with Jinbe joining, huh?


>People think he's "Shanks" like the cut of meat
>it's actually plural of prison shank meant for sneakily backstabbing people

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>red hair associated with lying and lack of soul
>pseudonym gained from backstabbing his allies
>he rivaled Mihawk but he fights dirty using shanks hidden in clothing

Better question is: How didn't Shanks lose his fucking eye?

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The original plan was to have Ace eat it, just like his ol' Captn wanted. But Luffy, the little shithead, ate it instead, so he had to change his plans and give him the legendary Crown of Straw beting his arm that he will fulfill the 800 century old prophecy.

The more important question is, would he have killed a child who ate the Nika fruit that didn't give him Roger vibes in order to get it back? Say kid Helmeppo ate it, or hell even Coby? Say its a kid who's a complete pussy and never wants to leave his island on a grand adventure that brings freedom everywhere he goes; would Shanks have killed that undeserving of the Joyboy fruit kid?

Luffy is getting stabbed right in the kidney isn't he

I doubt he knew, probably assumed Gol's kid would be Joyboy (and even if he wasn't he probably would have given it to him anyway since Gol clearly figured Ace would be the one to find the One Piece.
That being said, once he heard Luffy say the same thing his captain said and display a personality scarily similar to his Captain (as well as his knowledge of the fruit, or at least I'm assuming he has knowledge of it's true nature given his prior journey and relationship with the Gorosei) he probably figured Luffy, having accidentally eaten the fruit, was the work of the Fruit's own will.
...But that's fucking boring so personally I'm banking on and that Shanks and his crew in full klansmen regalia will put Luffy, Fishman Island and every other filthy, slimey guppy sympathizer in their place. Fish are food, not friends.

Nah, Shanks'll nick him under the eye and re-open the scar then call Luffy a "bitch kid" which will mentally break him harder than Ace's death. In doing so he'll also steal Luffy's title of Joyboy and become the one to fulfil Roger's legacy. The ending of One Piece will be Luffy realizing his was a childish dream, the Straw Hats all going home and wasting away becoming their bad end 40 and 60 year old selves and Shanks will find the One Piece, steal the Yami-Yami and Hito-Hito: Nika fruits and become the "True Pirate King", setting up Bone Piece. The sequel series that will be written and supervised, but not drawn by Toriyama, featuring Luffy's grandson, Monkey B Luffy Jr. who seeks to redeem his legacy and become the true third "Joyboy"

would the fruit have prevented that

Depends on the level of influence Zoan DF's like the Nika Nika have on the world. Maybe it'd result in a situation where Shanks keeps trying to kill the kid and keeps getting blocked by weird wacky coincidences that keep him for doing it. Or maybe the kid gets killed and the DF respawns somewhere else thousands of miles away near the next Joyboy candidate. I hope its the latter so all those times Luffy escaped death was because of his actions and not the fruit warping reality.

makes you think what kind of god of all gods fruit forced its way into Buggy's mouth; further linking Shanks in the equation of these 'accidents'
now that i think about it, is Shanks meant to be Moses or someshit?

I've always had the schizo theory that Shanks was first designed to be Luffy's father. They looked literally the same in the first chapter, Oda only really started drawing Shanks with a more angular face from Marineford onwards. I think that would explain why Shanks was willing to lose an arm for Luffy and why he refused to take Luffy on a dangerous journey with him

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>The sequel series that will be written and supervised, but not drawn by Toriyama

Oda should start using this system right after Wano ends tbqh.

Yonkeks? Why can’t you do this to Luffy?

He did lose an eye but he stole a new eye from someone else. He's gonna appear with two arms because he stole a new left arm from Kid.


Wano panelling is fucking atrocious.

the twist with Shanks is the fact that he never actually betrayed Luffy and only told the WG about the DF so he would awaken earlier in order to prepare for a big threat

The question id: why does Blackbeard use steel claws as a weapon? That is, of course, not a random detail. Every character is designed carefully, so there must be a reason, thematically.


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is Sanji's wife in the chapter?

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He knows Bonney is the ancient princess of the lost kingdom that was what he talked with the gorosei

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Luffy didn’t make this far because of hard work

He’s here because he’s the reincarnation of Joyboy, ate the strongest devil fruit, was the grandson of garp, and the son of dragon. He’s not even his own person as it was heavily implied that luffy’s enture personality comes from the influence of the nika nika. There was never any tension, because if he died he would’ve just been revived by nika and activated gear 5.

People got into one piece because it was a story of a rubber underdog when in reality it was about a kid who had everything handed to him and never actually had any agency of his own. One Piece was a story about freedom when it’s MC had no choice but to follow a prophecy

But people will defend this because “it’s a shonen” or because “it was foreshadowed 20 chapters in advance” when that does nothing to change that it’s bad writing

Ligma Balls

I Just want to see what kind of people I'm discussing one piece with

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Spoilers, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

Little Spoiler, more details in next hours :wink:

- Chapter 1,045: “Next Level”.
- In the Color Spread, Straw Hat crew is sitting together with letters “Sea of Liberation”.
- All chapter is about Luffy Vs. Kaidou. The battle is VERY FUNNY, you will enjoy a lot reading it (more than any Spoiler or summary).
- Kaidou comments how unusual Luffy's fruit is: it turns environment into rubber (like Paramecia) but also transforms user (like Zoan).
- Luffy uses a new attack called “Gomu Gomu no Gigant” turning his entire body into giant. He looks like a God.
- Momonosuke and Yamato reach the rooftop and see Luffy's new form.
- Luffy runs out of energy, but he gets his drum heartbeat back and recovers.
- At the end of the chapter, Luffy punches Kaidou's face very hard.
- Luffy: "This is fun, right Kaidou?"

This week it will be impossible for me to publish my full summary. I have a lot of work and I don't think I have enough time to write it. But I will try until the last minute.

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Cant wait for long John shanks

hi unrelated
what is the best one piece game
is it pirate warriors 3 or 4? are these just "story recap" type of games?
is it unlimited cruise? are these "experience the world of one piece" type of games?

So Luffy will inflate Nami and Robin boobs thanks to his toon powers right?

>No option for "no arc"
Bitch I don't read One Piece. I'm just hear to watch the meltdowns.

>- Chapter 1,045: “Next Level”.
>- In the Color Spread, Straw Hat crew is sitting together with letters “Sea of Liberation”.
>- All chapter is about Luffy Vs. Kaidou. The battle is VERY FUNNY, you will enjoy a lot reading it (more than any Spoiler or summary).
>- Kaidou comments how unusual Luffy's fruit is: it turns environment into rubber (like Paramecia) but also transforms user (like Zoan).
>- Luffy uses a new attack called “Gomu Gomu no Gigant” turning his entire body into giant. He looks like a God.
>- Momonosuke and Yamato reach the rooftop and see Luffy's new form.
>- Luffy runs out of energy, but he gets his drum heartbeat back and recovers.
>- At the end of the chapter, Luffy punches Kaidou's face very hard.
>- Luffy: "This is fun, right Kaidou?"

next time leave out the bullshit