Starts out interesting

>starts out interesting
>geez how the hell will these kids survive any of this crap?
>plot armor out of the ass
>riku almost dies? Thank god this convinient character appears to help her
>think it cant get any worse
>faputta arc

I love the world but cant stand any of the characters or writing
>muh sad things and characters crying every other page after the mitty arc

I want to read/watch this but without any of the annoying characters present and more serious story telling
Some actual stakes would be nice too
>curse of the abyss becomes absolutly meaningless and can easily be evaded
God i fucking hate this

Attached: 91nb7h0TVIL.jpg (1814x2560, 625.35K)

Did you copy paste this from some review or post online? You clearly haven't read the manga.

Nah he’s pretty spot on. Such a waste of potential

>plot armor out of the ass
I'm curious user, what's a series that doesn't have plot armor in your opinion?

Pic unrelated I guess?

All of them do some just hide it better
In made in abyss it feels less like kids exploring an uncharted territory and more like kids just going throu an amusement park with different main attractions
Riku doesnt even do anything in the faputa arc and they still somehow get throu it without even a little scratch

Oh and reg isnt even a character at all he just exists as a plot device

Riko and reg are both plot devices with zero personality apart from being “innocent”. The adult characters are so good just imagine if tsukushi set his fetish aside and gave us a decent protag that actually survives the abyss through being smart and having the necessary skills. You could still have nanachi/faputa/prushka as the cunny if it’s really that essentially to the series. Riko isn’t even attractive her bobble headed design is ugly as fuck

People that post these shit takes should post their favorite shows as they do it so we can laugh at them. Its practically guaranteed to be some loki ragnarok tier garbage.

Honestly though they should just admit to being filtered by the artsyle and give up trying to come up with excuses.

Reminder that good concept =/= good series. Look for early signs that the author might be awful, like... I dunno, pedo shit, tasteless gore, lazy execution in service of moving the story forward to the next set piece, bondage and piss fetish, immediate use of mystery box super weapons to move the plot forward, lost memory shit...

I mean you could have just asked
Also i dont intend on stopping reading made in abyss because i still like the worldbuilding alot
Critiquing something isnt the same as outright hating on it

But um since you asked
Other than made in abyss i read and follow kaiji and thats it pretty much
Ive watched alot of anime over the years but iam not the type of person that likes to rewatch things over and over again unless its with friends
I dont watch any anime as of now so other than naming you shows that i rly liked over the years like gurren lagann, eva or jojo
You can recommend me stuff if you like

I'll have to disagree with that assertion.
Both because the kids are clearly subjected to hell on earth, and because Riko actually did things in the village arc.

You just ruled out the majority of all anime and manga from being good user.

>But um
So where the fuck are you from? Reddit? Twitter?

The majority aren't good.

Well as long as we agree I guess.

Riko and Reg are decent characters on their own. The adult characters are just so extremely good characters that they completely mog them. Riko is interesting because of her parallels with Bondrewd and her warped sense of looking at certain things. What should be seen as extremely disturbing she won't bat an eye to for an example. Reg is a decent spin on the whole "the none human is actually the most human" archetype while also working as a foil for the other characters by being pretty much the sole moralfag.

And I think it's highly disingenuous to call it "plot armor". It was established from the very start that Riko is only able to go through the Abyss because of Reg and there hasn't been any real asspulls at all in this regard. And unlike most series there is some consequances to the actions they take. Characters aren't also introduced out of nowhere but its properly built on why they are where they are and why they decided to show up.

Going by your other posts ITT it just seems like you looked at it superficially and decided to parrot common buzzwords and criticism while not caring much about how well they actually are applied

Why are so many retarded shitposters posting about this series now? You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

ESL-kun, please don't use your phone. It makes it confusing to figure out what you're saying.

Ding ding ding. Sturgeon's law in action.

Actually he's not the least bit accurate and sounds like someone who's knowledge of the story comes purely from Any Forums and reddit. And if you want to be a real pedant you can say every story in all of existence has wasted potential and be correct so it's not a real criticism or argument in the slightest. His only "arguments" are 'why come the characters not dead' and 'why does story have sad in it'.

That was a very readable post.

user, I say this with all the love I'm able to muster. Please fuck off back to where you came from and lurk for a couple of years.
Yes, everything is shit. Sturgeon doesn't apply to what was being talked about right now.

Nooo not my abysserino my animerino

This touches on one of my biggest criticisms, though I don't quite know how to put it. The best I can come up with is that it doesn't feel like they're struggling through the abyss, it feels like they're pachinko balls, tumbling down without effort. Sure, they smack into painful obstacles, but their descent is a matter of gravity inexorably pulling them down. Meanwhile, I feel like characters in-universe portray descending to be more like mining or mountain climbing - being repelled and challenged at each step, progressing only by struggle and effort. The disjunction between the talk and the action ruins a lot of the series for me.