Bro modern anime is just as good as old anime just look at Demon Slayer!

>Bro modern anime is just as good as old anime just look at Demon Slayer!
>Watch Demon Slayer MOVIE!!
>Courage the cowardly dog tier C.G.I

Why did Any Forums lie to me?

Attached: 1648328769674.png (1920x1080, 2.37M)

/his/ will never lie to you

>watch a anime MOVIE
What a mistake

Plenty of ugly parts in old classics too, what's your point?

The bar for modern anime movies has dropped significantly. These days, there are plenty of movies that look scarcely better than a TV anime episode or on a better day, look on par with a high-budget episode. Back then shonen anime movies line the One Piece and Naruto movies used to have genuine theatrical anime quality, but now it's all over the place.

Incorrect modern anime doesn't look as good as old anime, it looks better.

What ugly parts were there in Fusion Reborn?

Yaibafags need to be hunted and lynched like Narutofags.

>Courage the cowardly dog tier C.G.I

People might actually talk to you if you didn't exaggerate so much.

What's your offer?!

>modern anime is just as good as old anime
no one says this
modern anime is much better than old anime

The writing



Certified Filtered Moment, +1 karma Mr Redditor-kun

Motherfucker, Courage was masterful art, dont drag it down.

Is this another falseflag thread by Any Forums so they could shit on Any Forums by pretending that they like Courage the Cowardly Dog ?

>spicball z

>by pretending that they like Courage the Cowardly Dog ?
you what?
