So how am I supposed to read/watch something like the Kuro arc now without getting bored to tears...

So how am I supposed to read/watch something like the Kuro arc now without getting bored to tears? Old OP is charming but it's so boring compared to modern Wano Piece. And I even like the Kuro arc, it's where I first felt One Piece was getting good.

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Wano the best! Asspulls galore! GOODA!

You will cry over a fucking boat, and it will be the emotional peak for 20 years of one piece

>it's where I first felt One Piece was getting good.
with that cartoonish villain and 1 dimensional characters? one piece sucks ass jesus christ.

This guy posts here

you are supposed to enjoy the feeling of romanticism and adventure, that's why women and numales will never understand One Piece

one of the reasons one piece is so popular with women is the melodramatic scenes with characters making fugly faces and crying because their dog just got tortured and they just got spit on or some other shallow gay shit.

[making up headcanon]


I like it because it was before they nerfed nami.

I liked Kuro when will oda bring him back?

The fuck are you on about? The arc tells a cohesive story with an emotional draw in the form of Kaya and Ussop's relationship. It even tells it succinctly, with little time lost. The two fighters in the team even get battles with similar screentime. Do you really need stakes to be "higher" to find a story enjoyable? Kaya's life is at stake here. She's Ussop's first love. That's way more important than the legacy of Oden. At least for me.

>I liked Kuro when will oda bring him back?
This, i want Kuro and Don Krieg with vegapunk tech

>it's where I first felt One Piece was getting good
It's pretty much at the very beginning

I miss the romance and adventure so much. I will literally let Oda dress me up as Nami and fuck me if it means he’ll have the SH go on some small adventures together,

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sky island was some good shit, i went into it blind and really enjoyed it

You first post was some arbitrary made up shit.

>rying because their dog just got tortured and they just got spit on or some other shallow gay shit.
these things never happened in one piece
But since you are an ebin tourist you get a pass

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>She's Ussop's first love. That's way more important than the legacy of Oden. At least for me.
what a shallow fujoshitter you are

Too soon

>Protecting a man's first love
>Not manlier than protecting the legacy of someone you don't know
Miss me with that gay shit.

>these things never happened in one piece
i'm saying other gimmicky shallow shit like that happens to characters. like that chef dude gives all the food to sanji and eats his own leg. ugh it's just so heckin sad!!!! no subtly and that makes it boring. last arc i read was dressrosa and i can't remember clown dude's name (brother of don flamingo) or what happened but it was another unsubtle melodramatic manipulative flashback where sphere slice boy was really sad while he was hiding in a coffin and clown dude got killed. shit sucks.

oh yea and your pic reminded me of the chopper shit. doctor takes poison because he was gonna kill himself anyway and wanted to make chopper feel happy but then the old hag reveals IT WAS POISON YOU JUST KILLED HIM OMG it's just so sad! goda!

>Straight ship

Arcs over 100 chapters are way too fucking long. I appreciate the efficiency of early One Piece. And that's not even considering how much more interesting longer arcs back then like Skypeia and even W7/EL if you want to go that far into the series were compared to what was happening in Dressrosa and Wano. I actually did like WCI a lot. Part of that may have been that I wasn't following it weekly though.

>no subtly and that makes it boring.
oh you are one of these romance character shippers
glad you don't like one piece that would be horrible
also you are gay

>where sphere slice boy
doesn't even know the name of one of the most popular characters
youtube clip watchers deserve the rope

give me credit where credit is due i legitimately forced myself 1 volume at a time through the shittiest story i've ever read the majority of. and now because of the nigga fruit controversy i'll have to force myself through another 300 or w/e chapters so i can explain why that's garbage too.

You seem really biased so I don't know why you think anyone will want to hear your opinion on whether the series is good or bad.

I was always disappointed that Oda didn’t let ussop bang Kaya before he left to show him being like his dad, getting a hot local pregnant than leaving on an adventure. Though I’d like to see the story of Yassop joining Shanks crew, or at the very least seeing him react to his son being a famous pirate

if someone hates a story because they read it and they think it sucked then what does it mean for them to be really biased.

>anime characters need to fuck each other
>muh romance

It would’ve been a nice wrap around story for ussop and his village, show him being kinda like his dad

Would it hurt the story? Yoh fucked Anne in Shaman King and it came off as natural. The fact that Shaman King then started sucking is entirely independent of the fact that, if your man leaves for a long journey he may not come back from, you're likely to get it on at least once.

Why do you even feel like wasting so much of your time reading a series that you hate? I could see maybe if it was a shorter series but it's over 1000 chapters. I'm more just wondering how trustworthy the opinion of someone frequently going into a series that they hate. At some point you're probably going to stop actually internalizing things because of the mood you're in while reading.