Tekken anime

netflix making another shitshow, what are your thoughts on the trailer?

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Fighting game anime are usually so bad they're good. Netflix may have found a niche.

The art style looks good and the 3D models will probably make animating the fight scenes easier. The only thing I found distracting was the triangle shadow on every character. Nothings actually casting the shadow, it’s just a triangle on everyone’s head.

Tekken's multi-media content has always been shit. This will be no exception.

already looks cheap as fuck from the trailer. not even gonna bother even though i'm a tekkenfag

Fuck Harada and fuck Murray

I fucking hate this 3D trend and how normalfags blindly defend it.

>animating fight scenes easier
Who cares if it's easier if it never looks great. At most you can say some 3D work in anime look decent, but none of those are truly great. Hand drawn animation always looks smoother while 3D always looks noticeably stiff and robotic. There's also no such thing as a good fluid looking 3D sakuga scene, only 2D has sakuga. For an anime with a main appeal of fighting that's the most important thing.

It's a video game adaptation, they're always bad, it's hardly even anime-related. It's made for video game fans.

dropped. Extra dropped. Strongly dropped. Dropped with the force of one thousand atomic bombs

normalfags like you need a bullet in the head

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>Who cares if it's easier if it never looks great.

They’re getting better with it. Arcane has obviously set the standard now for 3D animation, but it’s just about progression and improvement. I can understand why you would go 3D in a show about a fighting game. There’s going to be a lot of fights, and it might be too time intensive to do it 2D well. You see some shows that have 2D sakuga, but later melt because of production issues. I even thought that with the final episode of Devilman Crybaby, which was the big Netflix anime. The quality took a dip in the final episode.

>There's also no such thing as a good fluid looking 3D sakuga scene
So you've never played a video game in your life?

>3d anime sux
what about arcsystemworks?
sure, they are working from a very specific angle when creating models, but there are supers and instant kills, as well as ways to hack camera, and it doesn't look good just from the side
while all the "story mode"s in their games mostly used rehashed fighting animations, i don't think they're terrible, certainly not worse than average 3d walking and talking scenes
with how much money it takes to make a game, i don't think 13 episode anime is out of reach financially
i'd say good 3d anime is not impossible, but you need some actual 3d animators on it, because 3d still takes effort, and if it's just a cost-saving measure, then it will always suck

>Arcane has obviously set the standard now for 3D animation
arcane just folowed the how games GCI is made. cool cg fights on vidya has been a thing since the PS2

When are retards going learn they don't make anything they just help finance it

They might as well be writing it. Making anime for an American company makes it no longer anime.

>Making anime for an American company
You realize that "Netflix Original" refers to shows they just have exclusive streaming rights for, right? Do you think VEG was made for them?

jin was a mistake.

>fighting games

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Cant they make other Tekken media without focusing on the Mishima/Kazama bloodline? Do people even care about it?

I always thought that the silly endings by each characters was what made it fun. Pic related should have given a show instead.

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I care. I liked the silly endings too but the jokes have gotten stale for me, so right now I care far more about getting some resolution about this family storyline

I doubt it's even an actual anime. Probably some American stuff. Not interested at all.