When was the last time we got a good atmospheric sci-fi show?

When was the last time we got a good atmospheric sci-fi show?
The industry can't into atmosphere anymore.

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Ergo Proxy is anime elitist trash

Meaningless post
Every story has an atmosphere about it, the combination of its aesthetic, themes and presentation
Ergo Proxy was a reharsh of already done cyberpunk noir nihilistic works, it lacks identity
Non Non Biyori has a stronger and more cohesive atmosphere and personality

>muh moeshit is actually is le masterpiece
Lmao aside, you might want to notice the OP said sci-fi.

1) NNB is a better anime that Emo Proxy
2) OP said a meaningless post, because every series is atmospheric, so if we had good sci-fi in the last years (and we did) what he said is nonsense

no one cares about your opinion moefag, back to twitter.

You shouldn't be here, Any Forums is for those who love anime.

42% yourself already.

I don't know, but I miss them

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Go back.

Night Head 2044?

Go back where? You realize Reddit absolutely loves moeshit? It's you who needs to go back

Id Invaded

Do you realize that Any Forums loves moe as well, since way before you came here from whatever niggerhole you crawled out? Just fuck off retard, go suck a dick like you always do

Everytime we try to have a comfy thread it gets derailed by some redditor moeshitter who thinks he's special becuase he likes the same shows as Joey the anime man.

No argument
Define atmosphere (inb4 SOVL)

Midwit take.

I'll give you a point of reference atmospheric is stuff like Tarkovsky (Texhnolyze, Gits, Ergo Proxy) not atmospheric is like your average netflix sitcom, the office, moeshit...ect

>When was the last time we got a good atmospheric sci-fi show?
Early 2010s. They just did not sell, and the industry no longer has the talent to make shows like these any longer.

You still have not defined what atmosphere is in anime. The most common definition in cinema is the pervading mood of a given work; every work has a particular mood, so your assertion that only things that follow what you perceive as atmospheric is nonsense. Why something should resemble Tarkovsky (if it even does) to be atmospheric? This is some "my anime is deeper that yours because is angsty" typical of a 12 year old mentality.

Yeah bro thede generic moeshit designs really ooze personality.

Attached: Non-Non-Biyori-Watch-Order-Guide-1024x538.jpg (1024x538, 112.5K)

The only loss of talent we had from the early 2010s is the Kyoani massacre, everybody who was working ten years ago is still working today

They do, learn what good chara design is retard