Make a slightly more realistic gf

>Make a slightly more realistic gf
>Any Forums goes apeshit

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i love her
anything she did with some guy was before the relationship with the MC


100 men, maybe more.


stacy hoe

we area literally all here to escape real life retard

>draw a normalfag
>call it an otaku
And they thought they could get away with it?

Like 2 or 3

This, but with MC she is the most complicated woman, acts as if she wasn't a whore and instead was a virgin, how many chapter did it take for them to have sex?



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>having a boyfriend before you
Yikes. Imagine ever wasting your seed on a roastie. Used goods is no different from being a cuck which is worse than being a virgin.

She tried to seduce him once but he just ignored her while playing vidya.

0 women, maybe less.

Call him misogynistic, call him antisocial, call him a neet, it all runs off him like rain on a raincoat. But call him an incel and watch how he shrinks back "I-I-I've been h-had" he mumbles under his breath.

I like her, but she should be with a chad, not some schizo herbivore. People should be with people with similar levels of experience, which she has way more than the male mc. I know him being out of her league is a running gag, but his passivity makes me angry.

>anime big bang theory

I appreciate wotakoi because there's a reverse trap in it.
That is all

they're the worst character

5/10 good format but bad ending

Only ironic fags look for realism in 2D medium

I never got the hate. Touch grass virgins

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