What arc of One Piece was the best?

For me its the very start, before the crew got too big

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"the very start"?

Don't remember that one. There was no crew at the very start btw

Based wano chad

sabody into impel down into marineford

Enies Lobby. Marineford is great but it's mainly just 30 second clashes and no real full fights, which is understandable because marineford would be 300 chapters, but still a little underwhelming in the fights department. Everything with whitebeard though was legendary. Counting the whole summit war saga though it would definitely be the best (lilly, impel down, marineford).

For me it's Wholecake Island

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1. Jaya/Skypeia
2. Drum Island
3. Sabaody
4. Water 7/Enies Lobby
5. Arlong Park
6. Impel Down
7. Reverie/Zou
8. Marineford
9. Wano
10. Dressrosa


When they meet Franky/save Robin because Usopp finally got the beating he deserved for being a useless clown.

As someone who can't get into one piss, what's an arc I can look forward to like how the hunter shills always hype up the chimera arc

Thriller Bark.

What makes Impel Down better than Marineford?

Impel down and marineford are ok because they adapt the faster pace of the early chapters, before everything got dragged down to a grind by useless side characters like sanji, brook, etc.

>As someone who can't get into one piss, what's an arc I can look forward to like how the hunter shills always hype up the chimera arc

None, you have to start from the beginning to appreciate it. It's not the kind of show you can jump into whenever......

Start at Thriller Bark

Pre-time skip all together. Just stop if you don't enjoy it.

>Foxy that low

Jesus fucking christ can you children stop trying to milk (You)s out of the current state of OP? We don't need a new thread every five minutes

If you're not into it by Arlong Park it's probably not for you
Also don't listen to this faggot Post Timeskip is better in some ways than Pre Timeskip

I don't know when Jaya became that popular, but I'd have to agree. The start of the arc with Nami, Zoro and Luffy on Mock Town looking at the average cynical / mediocre pirate and contrasting it with BB's and Luffy's crew was amazing. It was also short and focused while making you feel the stakes, something Oda doesn't know how to do anymore. Also BB's speech.

Drum, early Sabaody and Water 7 also follow a similar theme, I guess that's why people like them too.

Early Grand Line (from Whiskey Peak to Jaya, maybe Water 7 too) is OP at its narrative and thematic best. After that it slowly changes into modern OP. You can see glimpses of it in Enies Lobby and Thriller Bark and it goes full throttle at Marineford. I wouldn't say that's necessarily bad, but they're completely different stories even if the lore and characters remain (mostly) the same.