So why Any Forums hate rebuild

So why Any Forums hate rebuild

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It ruined the Any Forums rejects' self-insert fantasies.

But it’s not canon

The way that it felt like bad fanfic.

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Evangelion was always shit. Gunbuster and Nadia as well.

Damn I wasn't even born back then

Underage b&?

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It took 14 years, gave too much time for fans to theorycraft hopes for the next one and raise expectations among themselves.

i will never understand retards who selfinsert themself into every piece of media

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This teen ass... These legs...

>90s Eva

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who cares what Any Forums thinks. its 80% bots

3.0+1.0 is kino.

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this Kensuke lad is a really lucky dog

Its the anti-thesis to everything that the original stood for and frankly the sum of its parts is not easy to ignore. They're beautiful, and one could argue provide the Shinji that the masses always wanted him to be in terms of growth, but knowing that the rebuild series was done to "atone" for the original is not only infuriating, but sometimes bewildering as we get a character that literally doesn't get any development to stand in for Hideki Anno finding happiness in his wife but otherwise just not doing anything to really nail the landing of what the message was, ruin two characters in terms of complexity (Asuka and Misato), feel weirdly mocking of its roots, and just to wrap it up, preachy.

Its alright. I'm sure Anno was happy he got to make them. I watched them once. I'm not going to watch them again and for all that I'm concerned, the ending of the series is End of Evangelion.

There WILL be more reboots and you WILL rike them.

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forgot to add: i'm trans and i like asushin, if that matters

I liked them alot. Except 3.33

Ignoring the theme of the rebuild since that is another discussion on its own, the rebuild movies feel kinda mediocre in comparison to the original Eva.

Honestly, the only fight so far that is arguably better than the original is against Ramiel. The worst example is in 3.0+1.0 where it's just a shitfest of gurren lagann style fight, but executed in a mediocre way with the CGI. (Though, Asuka turning into that blue angel was cool)

Beside that, the rebuild cut out many things that make fan favorite characters like Misato feel like cardboard.

But, I think the main problem here is that fans waited too long for the rebuild. They have this expectation that it will be a great cinematic film because of how long it takes when it's just Anno being lazy. I say that if the wait time for the films was shorter, fans wouldn't be this angry because they would just let it go.
>inb4 leddit spacing