I think the outrage concerning 1044 is artificial. It changed nothing

I think the outrage concerning 1044 is artificial. It changed nothing.

>Well, Oda said that the Gomu Gomu is weak, and Luffy is clever for making it work, so if it was always this broken Nika fruit, then it betrays Luffy's ingenuity and efforts!
No. Luffy has been, and still is, completely in the dark about what his fruit actually is. He's been misusing it all along, BUT, the fact that he made this "misused version" of the Nika fruit work as best as he could make it, stands yet as proof of his efforts and their results.

>Well, I just don't like that Luffy is not rubber anymore, he's just toon-man now!
Literally headcanon, part of the artificial outrage I mentioned earlier. Luffy's powers is still rubber-based, but what changed is WHY it's so, not IF it's so. And the "why" doesn't even affect how Luffy could fight with his power, because Luffy, being the idiot that he is, has been using his power in a manner very much contrary to natural rubber all along, but he never once stopped and asked himself "wait, can natural rubber really can do all of this?". The Gear forms are a manifestation of this. Luffy's power hasn't changed at all, but what we thought what they were based on, did.

>Well, I just don't like that Luffy is now the chosen one....
"Now?". This is how you know the outrage is not only artificial, but also made by people who don't read One Piece. When has Luffy NOT been a Messianic figure? Arlong Park? Drum Island? Arabasta? Skypiea? Fishman Island? Dressrosa? And don't even say "BUT DESTINY", destiny has been a tangible force since Jaya. And One Piece is structured EXACTLY like a mythical tale, NOT "the life of joe schmoe who becomes really awesome!". If you thought it was, you must have been reading a very different manga.

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If nothing changed, Oda retconning Luffy devil fruit after 1000 chapters is even worse. Retard

How the fuck is it "even worse", dumbfuck? Go on. Tell me exactly what the Gomu-Gomu's name being different really changed. I'll dismantle your points one by one.


I'm glad I dropped this crap, God this sucks

Retcon is a word used by people who lack imagination

Good. That's one less idiot reading One Piece. And stay out of our threads.

this level of cope holy shit
not even marvel and wow drones are so pathetic, literally zero critical thinking

Then why was it named Gomu Gomu?
Luffy is not an idiot, he acts goofy on purpose, but he's pretty much one of the most talented and virtuous fighters in the entire manga, maybe it's a convenience, but time after time again,he has improved with or without training to develop better than his rivals, unless he's beaten of course, and yet, he was able to beat Crocodile with true genius, clutched with Lucci, used all of his resources to finally beat Doflamingo, etc. He's not an idiot, he's a prodigy.
Last but not least, I don't know if you are saving face or just started reading the manga, but back in the day there were few people who considered Luffy a chosen one, he might be special, but for everyone else he was just a common Devil Fruit user that worked hard to make his shit fruit work. You could say in retrospective this was never a stance someone should have and I agree, but it was still hinted and people agreed to hold this opinion, now it's pretty much wrong, and that's a bit disappointing. Especially given the fact Oda could introduce more shitty villains nobody will care about, imagine if they are aliens, kek

>I think the outrage concerning 1044 is artificial
screecaping this thread for the cope alone

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Explained. Gomu means rubber, the fruit has rubber properties, when unawakened it seems to be just rubber. The name was changed as a cover up

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How? The slow pace was getting annoying back in the day so I dropped it
Now seeing that 700 chapters after it has come to this crap I'm glad I didn't stick around
Are you mad people criticize things they don't like or do you have so little personality you take criticism of this thing personal?

Regardless of what you think this just sucks

oda draw that? looks too high quaity for him

>Luffy is not an idiot, he acts goofy on purpose
He is an idiot when it comes to anything that's not fighting or people's emotions (people really underestimate how emotionally intelligent Luffy is). He wouldn't what the properties of real rubber are, nor would he ever ask about it.

>but back in the day there were few people who considered Luffy a chosen one
You're making the mistake of somehow interpreting the title of "chosen one" as "strongest nigga in the hood". That's not what means. Luffy has always been destined to free the oppressed, the enslaved, and to bring emancipation to the world from the grasp of the WG, and the story has been extremely heavy-handed about it. I'm sorry, but this point is so painfully obvious that anyone who disagrees has either not read One Piece, or has very poor reading comprehension.

>imagine if they are aliens, kek
BRUH. HOW DID YOU MISS- OK, honest question, have you read OP, or only watched it?

That sounds like made up shit in the long run then. It would be way too convenient that only the Hito Hito no mi is the only super sikret fruit and conveniently enough in 1000+ chapters is the fruit actually godly. And exactly at the end of an anticlimactic fight, such a shit power up that was handled poorly.

This properly culls the herd. Serioussisters can burn. Sillychads keep winning

That's pretty much my point, they are ayyliens and this shit will be DB 2.0 given how much Oda strokes Tori's senile dick.

Alright, back up, you cannot pull the "alien asspull" card here, we knew about that shit since 200-motherfucking-7.

Luffy was more like a fair pirate than anything, but the chosen one title wasn't as so. The main reason I'm upset, is the fact that he will find the One Piece because he has to, rather than he wants to, and Luffy won't care even one bit.
That's still a fucking asspull, especially if they are shit characters. Oda was retarded even thinking this Enel shit at the moon should be developed farther than a shitty gag, let's all be honest. He has an incredible and big as fuck cast of nice characters, he will shoot himself on the foot.

>It's bad and I'll never say why
Good work champ, you've changed my viewpoint

>The main reason I'm upset, is the fact that he will find the One Piece because he has to, rather than he wants to, and Luffy won't care even one bit.
>and Luffy won't even care one bit
Luffy gives a pretty big damn shit about wanting to find the One Piece. So much so he threatened quitting pirating altogether if he so much was told about if it really exists or not. Doesn't matter if he "has to", he wants to. You can do things both because you have to and want to, like brushing your teeth, why do they have to be mutually exclusive?

>hat's still a fucking asspull, especially if they are shit characters.
No it's not. That's not what an asspull is. It's far from sudden, it's been getting built up for only like, gee, I don't know, the past 15 years? If you don't like that plot development, that's all fair and fine, but don't call it an asspull. You can dislike something regardless whether it was a sudden development or not.

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>it's been getting built up for only like, gee, I don't know, the past 15 years?
It has been getting built up since WsW vs Jinbe, like 6 months ago

Based user. This scene pretty much proves that Oda isn't forcing Luffy the one piece. Of course Luffy will get it, that's not a question. But it's the journey Oda wants us to focus on and these fags ignore that.

Don't change the subject, we were talking about the alien shit, not Nika.

>BUT, the fact that he made this "misused version" of the Nika fruit work as best as he could make it, stands yet as proof of his efforts and their results.
THANK YOU! I can't stop mentioning how far he utilized this limited ability.

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Too bad all of Luffy's prior characterization was retconned out of existence in order for him to be a mouthpiece for Oden wank.

>I think the outrage concerning 1044 is artificial.
It's the same people who have been complaining about every chapter since Fishman Island. These are "people" who have spent close to a decade reading One Piece every single week just to come here and complain about how much it sucks.

Seriously, has is it not fucking been obvious enough that OP's story is about the journey, not the destination? It's literally spelled the fuck out by Luffy himself in that page , who cares if Luffy is destined to get the One Piece, of course he will, he's a shounen protagonist, but we're here to see HOW he gets there, the "IF" is a non-question. Again: artificial outrage. The faggots pretending to lose their minds over 1044 literally don't read One Piece, they just want to stir shit up.

Christ, what an awful cope. What is this "this is artificial". What is with these buzzwords.

Also, if this really amounts to nothing, that is even worse, because then this entire retcon was completely pointless. It could have just been the gum gum fruit.

Too bad [head canon]
Try harder and read