Be honest Any Forums, did you enjoy this?

Be honest Any Forums, did you enjoy this?

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Of course, how can you not enjoy pure Kino

Tried it I think three times over the course of my life, never managed to go further than ep5.Just didn't feel engaging, looked nice but I couldn't get myself to care about any of it.

Manga> 03=brotherhood
I like all versions though

yep it's still my fav shounen manga. I just don't think it needs to be every ones or others disliking it for whatever reason has to change my opinion and vice versa. That's just not how entertainment works at the end of the day.

Yes great story and great animation which is even better now than 10+ years ago due to the prevalence of CG in anime. Thank god it came out before that

Thank god it didn't have any of that ugly CG, right?

Attached: 1620009078300.jpg (1280x720, 518.79K)

Oh yeah I forgot about that. Fuck modern anime

Yeah. It was the most well-balanced anime imo. Good animation, good story, good theme, good characters, kino power syestem, and shit comedy. Not great but very good and enjoyable. The pacing was also good

the original is better. most of the dark side of the story line is lost in the brotherhood version. it sort of consolidates blame on 1 guy and something he made 1 time

i liked the selfish death cult killing the masses for the sake of extending their own life spans more. also rose was never raped by soldiers , the chimera wasnt killed, the ending to the holy man conartist was even different little. also brotherhood basically only ever had 1 guy make a homonculus and it made more instead of this rolling series of people who do it over time. it even references shit in a backlog almost your the new one sort of thing in the original

loved it, it makes me happy to see a thread on it

This. Although I haven't been able to make it past episode 1

I tried. I heard it was even better than the og fma and was like this must be a work a genius! but it turned out to be really generic shonenshit that i had to slog through.

Ugly artstyle, generic music, infinite plot armor, almost no ryona... it was run at the time I suppose, just something I get less impressed with the more I think about it.

I love this show.

...But enough about One Piece.

Prefer the manga, as usual

Is competently made but i find it lacking, souless for some reason

The original has shit writing. "Muh dark atmosphere" won't save it.

Its the most 8/10 anime out there

It was pretty good