Remember the Kyoani vs Shaft era? I wish we could go back to it, now both studios are kind of irrelevant

Remember the Kyoani vs Shaft era? I wish we could go back to it, now both studios are kind of irrelevant.

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I don't care
Studiofags deserve the rope

No, studio wars were always retarded.


I don't miss the era of gaiatards spamming shit bait threads. I just want the current shounentard era to end so we can finally have a good board again.

Now instead of studio wars we get not so thinly veiled generals and the board is 50% shonen threads

Both of those are better than studio wars

Whats Shaft up to nowadays anyway

I don't want any idiotic "my favourite is better than your favourite" era to return.

There was no such thing, only a mentally ill KyoAni fag that would spam cp and gore in Shaft threads because Bakemonogatari was more popular than K-On
Not sure why OP has tried to become an acolyte for this cancerous user and continue his shit legacy


those are the facts newfag, take your studiowars bullshit someplace else


>and Kyoanusfags wonder why oldfags hate them and their cult to this day

Delusions are not facts

Both are still more relevant that an actual dogshit studio like passione. That didnt stop Any Forums from overrating garbage like mieruko to hell and back

>That didnt stop Any Forums from overrating garbage like mieruko to hell and back
Those were clearly funimation shills

Pretty sure that user named a single person, ahem "oldfag"


Holy shit how is that thing still relevant

Isn't Shaft making a new Madoka movie? Pretty sure they also animated a Monogatari cv so there's that franchise left to be milked too, let alone Assault Lily which sold well.

they are.

please be joking user. I don't wanna get out my rope

Attached: menacing.jpg (600x338, 51.49K)

Are you that one clueless user talking about an "uptick" in weekend KyoAni threads? Even though most were made during the beginning of the week? In a thread were people were complaining about blacked Komi-san threads and you thought it was about KyoAni because the OP picture had the studio building? How much of a clueless retard are you? Please keep out of meta posting about the board, it's embarrassing.