Boku no Hero Academia

Dabi is gonna die

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I feel like they drew back on Endeavor. He wasn't a great father, and he was abusive, but he didn't feel as intensely abusive as he was made out to be in earlier chapters. This ends up making Dabi look less sympathetic, so I don't particularly care if he ends up burning out.

About time.

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Who cares

>literalwho time stalling character
Fuck them all except Shiggy and AfO, they're the only relevant ones in this "war"

I now ship Shiozaki and Mineta

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>Dabi then concludes that this whole war comes down to personal issues and ideologies
>Literally nuked a dozen of cities and thousands of civillians unprovoked and promises to do it again even worse, opposite side is fighting desperately for their lives
This the evolution of
>How dare UA put kids in harms way
>*murder kids*

Did togashit die? Garbage character is garbage.

he's transforming into a flaming skeleton like the guy in Vigilante.
I expect AFO to have juiced all the villains a little for the fight.

Sounds great.

Seems more like he pumped all the extra quirks he had on Spinner.

Why is spinner drooling? Is he roided up?

I dont' want his flahback, let these guys fight Hori.

Fuck, I just realize that, what the fuck happened to the lizard king?

it wasn't supposed to be like this vidyabros....

Vegetable mutant ninja lizard

Does he look more muscular and bigger than before? Or am I imagining things?

He's thrice his normal size

yes user he looks like he's drugged up and much more muscular (just look at that neck)
and since he's shown with the rest of the league on that page it means he's the real deal
AfO obviously did something and now I need to know if he's still himself or he went full retard like Giganigga

>he went full retard like Giganigga