Manga you're FINALLY getting around to

Manga you're FINALLY getting around to.

I saw Golden Boy in the back of magazines like EGM when it first came out. Always loved the artist, and finally getting around to it.

All-time great facial expressions.

Attached: golddick.png (732x760, 250.33K)

the second part is full of piss and shit, literally
I dont even know what's the point

is it really full of shit?....I can handle piss. Piss isn't the absolute worst thing, it's as far as I would go. A girl that I had a really great sexual relationship invited me to piss on her body in the shower once and I declined, and I always wish I had taken her up on her offer. Also, anime and manga.

Putting his face on the toilet and stuff already seems...ehh but it's easy to excuse it as 90s japanese-ness.

What no, this is a troll thread everyone knows not to read the fucking manga you can't fool us OP


is it really that bad...I love his art

I was really into Neo Geo at the time! his neo geo art is the best. and toshinden!

you REALLY need to open this thread again? it has only been 14 hours at most.

>Thread trying to evoke interesting discussion opened again after only getting 16 posts during non peak hours

Yeah, what's the issue, did I knock off your 4 post 16th One Piece thread?

Defensive much.
hour posted is unrelated to success. it was live for 7 whole hours.
you also have shit taste in facial reactions. the anatomy is also crap in the page you posted.
here, have one with actual GOTY faces(Reiri). this one's on me.

Attached: _20191109_130929.jpg (987x981, 131.66K)

that isnt even an expressive face, doesn't have any humanity to it at all. uncanny.

Not even trolling but I read a comment once that there is even light NTR. Read at your own risk.


seriously who is ntr for

Reading No. 5 by Matsumoto. Pretty trippy rn

thats cool nice visual style

ooooh its tekkonkinkreet guy

Reiri is the peak of facial expressions in manga.
There's just so much motion to them between pages and panels and scenes.

Attached: 1627301193464.png (844x1200, 335.74K)

this literally isn't even noteworthy

I know, but its the only page of the manga I had saved to my PC.

Read Sanctuary and Takemitsuzamurai over the weekend, good stuff. I remember when Hox released the latter but never got around to reading it.

added to backlog, looks like my shit. any violence?

giving me crying freeman vibes from a glance

TZ is such a pretty manga that I didn't mind that most of it was time wasting.

Golden boy gets cucked

meh, it's not like he doesn't move on literally every chapter anyway, kinda the point.......right?

>any violence?
A lot.
>giving me crying freeman vibes from a glance
Same mangaka.