Is monogatari peak SHAFT?

Is monogatari peak SHAFT?

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While I liked Monogatari it basically preludes Shafts downfall.

SHAFT does other shows?

A classic case of suffering from sucess.

I do remember in 2014/2015 people were high on KyoAni / P.A. Works with Shaft being more niche pick.

When do you think Shaft peaked?

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SHAFT doing March comes in something or the other is the only reason it is talked about.

Shaft peak is PMMM for sure. And life peak of Akiyuki Shinbo-san who created it.

Kek no.

Shaft best work came between the gatari's season Madoka tv and Rebellion.

Great company which created many-many-many-MANY diamonds that became classic around the world. Am i wrong?

And now check'em (numbers) how it sales all round planet and be surprised how popular it is. also pmmm is a great show that finished and wrapped up entire genre or maho-shoujo

Contr/a/rian strikes again

Bakemonogatari sold more than PMMM though, and it does have a conclusion, unlike Madoka.

what it also have? milking graphomaniac.
i mean both gatari and pmmm are masterpieces but for me pmmm is more valuable and cool than thus fuckery picrel

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It's peak pseudo-intellectualism

oh cmon
gatari series made with love and soul

But that's what makes it so good. It keeps going and never gets bad. All of those seasons were great (expect, maybe, Hana).

I think in terms of directing, Bakemonogatari was the peak. Objectively Madoka Magica is probably the best though, but Hidamari will always be my personal favourite.

That's a really valid point that I considered. Most anime submarine dive straight down into Mariana's trench after 1 MAYBE 2 seasons.

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Depends on what you mean peak "SHAFT". If you're talking shaft being shaft aka trying to adapt stuff with shoestring budget for no reason other than the fun of it, SZS.

It is something inside me telling that romance-drama shoudnt be longer than 2 seasons idk what it is.
Great comedy could last forever or you know adventure or space journey with friends but something about relationships between male and females always must be concluded in 2 seasons.
Do you understand what i trying to tell?

gatari is my favourite, but I can totally see why anyone else might think madoka is peak of shaft

>expect, maybe, Hana
Hana is great, only Neko Kuro is downright shit.

and this

I think absolute worst Shaft is Maria Holic Alive. Maybe there are worse shows I haven't seen, but I remember hating that second season. It was actually such a pain to finish.

Most seasons isn't really about romance.
I don't know, it was the most boring arc for me, right next to neko shiro.