holy shit I just watched burn the witch and it fucking sucked. what was kubo thinking?

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>what was kubo thinking?
About Aizen

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Explain what was wrong with it.

I mean compared with bleach its clearly a major step down.

It's the exact same as Bleach

I fail to see how a few chapters worth of story is somehow comparable to the 670+ chapters of BLEACH.

im not comparing the entirety of bleach, the beginning the premise and characters are all just awful in BTW. I fail to see how you can defend such trash.

Sounds like harry potter but for straight people

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The porn is good tho

Balgo got a bit tiddy kuudere that wants him despite him being a pervert. Kubo loves giving his protagonists hot wives, meanwhile Ninny is used goods she had a boyfriend already but it didn't work out and now she has a lesbian simp that did drugs did they keep that in the anime adaption? You know what if Bleach TYBW is animated like that OVA?

>Ninny is used goods she had a boyfriend already

Balgo is so lucky.

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She had an ex boyfriend before the story started remember? The people talking about her on TV were talking about it it was one of the motivations for Macy to go full crazy and burn the place down because how dare they talk badly about Ninny-chan

No, not even close.

The biggest mistake of the anime qas leaving out the contents of the one shot which establishes Balgo's character and several basics of the setting which are glossed over in the subsequent chapters. As usual, anime-onlys cannot comprehend peak Kubo.

Kubo knows people love him for his style and went full style no substance in Burn the Witch. Not that I'm complaining though, the show is really stylish and soulful.

BtW would have been a lot more stylish if the blonde girl had shut the fuck up.

Okay, thanks user


I keep hearing that blonde midget is transgender. Is that true and they skipped that information in the anime?

Any hope for a trailer before October?

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No, thats a meme based on botched initial translations.