Does this happen irl?

I often see the anime trope of tomboyish/masculine girl being popular among the other girls and even receiving love letters. Does it actually happen in Japan?

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Everything you commonly see in anime minus obviously fantasy elements does.
I was only there for a week and managed to trip face first into as many girls' panties without even trying.

Are are daze... shikata ja nai.

Tomboys don't exist irl, only trannies and dykes.

Don't mock me. There was also poll that showed that Nobunaga from FGO was extremely famous with women. It definitely has roots in reality but I am interested how far girls drooling over each other actually goes.

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I would hope so.

Tomboys get all the bitches.

Yeah, it seems weird to me because I was under the impression that Japan was still a pretty homophobic society.

I think like in other first-world countries, older people in Japan are still homophobic but young people are either fine with gay people or don't give a shit. It's just that Japan is a country where old people have a lot more cultural and political power so societal change comes slowly.

It was revealed to me in a dream.

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unfortunately this, tomboys did exist up until about 2012

It's obviously exaggerated, but yes, I read some articles in Japanese about it.
Teenage same-sex love is very common in Japan. I read some articles as well and more than half of Japan claims to have been in love with the same sex as a teenager.

It even happened at my school in the Netherlands. There was this tall, broad-shouldered female student with a boyband-haircut whom many other female students talked about,

It happens with males too. I also read a forum post by someone who was in love with another male one year younger and apparently had competition as that male was very cute and popular with other males.

it's a pretty old trope though

You misunderstand Japanese culture in this regard.
What is called “transient teenage same-sex love” in Japanese is very common and accepted, even by adults who probably did it themselves. It's really common for teenagers to have a mild fling with another person of the same sex, though many use the verb “akogareru” to describe this rather than “koisuru” or “sukina”, which more so has a meaning of “admiration” than pure love. Many of these relationships are also somewhat innocent and never progress to anything very sexual.

What Japan has a problem with, though not in the U.S.A. sense of the type of fear and hatred, is this going past teenage years. I even read Japanese forum posts of people who are concerned that they are 20 years old and still falling in love with the same sex and wonder if it might be permanent, only to be re-assured by others that it doesn't have to mean that, and that the others for the last time fell in love with the same sex at 22, but then still went on to marry the opposite sex and be happy.

I should also add that more than half of Japanese marriages become sexless after the birth of enough children and that marriage is more so seen as a duty to the country to reproduce than anything.

Attached: japanese_culture.png (1360x1920, 1.64M)

You can still be an old out of touch fart even when the trope started.
Like let's say the trope started 25 years old
40 is an old fart age
You can still be 65 by modern day and still hold major power over media/politics

Basically they see it as a phase. The same mindset the West had until lgbt activism happened.

It clearly is, isn't it. If half of Japan did it and is now happily married to the opposite sex?
Apparently they're right.

Who cares? Go back.