Do you get really bothered when you see that someone doesn't like your favorite anime or manga so much you wish you...

Do you get really bothered when you see that someone doesn't like your favorite anime or manga so much you wish you could hate them to death?

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No, I just consider them mentally deficient.

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Everyone feels like that on this shit board.

you are a fag

no, because I'm not a deranged retard.

>you wish you could hate them to death
I feel that about a lot of things, but not about people disliking something specifically. If they're really obnoxious about it, then yeah, maybe.

No but I can get peeved if they say or imply some dogshit series is better in comparison.

why would anyone read that

>5 manga

Nah, I just assume they're beneath me.
But most people on this board are absolutely like how you just described.

No, I feel either indifference or disdain. what sort of unstable retard feels murderous rage over something so benign?

No, I get bothered when they disguise their "opinion" with a barely thinly veiled statement saying it shouldn't exist just because they don't like it or because it's illegal in real life.

you arent cool or smart for this btw

You're projecting user, I am both smart and cool all while having sex with your mother.

No because I know any Isekai anime they compare it to falls short. It's always a good chuckle when people try to name what they think is better.

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You're just a casual nigger.

that's fine I'm cool and smart for other reasons

what latin american country are you from?

nah being angry all the time got boring fast

If only that were true...