And they're better writers, too

And they're better writers, too.

Attached: FOODhplagAQrn5b.png (720x900, 479.88K)

This makes me think, I’ve seen manga pairs that are male writers with a woman artist, but is there the reverse of this? I’m thinking there might be a husband/wife pair like that, but I’m not really sure.


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Ohba is a woman, but male readers will never see the subtle details.



The Fantasy Bishoujo anime that’s on right now is woman writer, male artist. Now I remember, it was in an omake or something, been a while since I’ve read it.

That explains the endless amount of industry garbage.

>Akutami: Back when I attended an all-boys middle school and high school, I tended to use “ore”

But somehow find a way to cope and you'll create some stupid theory
and women are not inherently better than men. for example:
And don't even try to give me a reply, you stupid brain-damaged retard.

> “manga”
> “women”
> “survey”



yeah because all the men are killing themselves at their corporate salary jobs so women can pursue "creative jobs"

Ah, Any Forums, the best gathering place for men killing themselves at their corporate salary jobs.

>jjk author is a woman
Why does this make perfect sense?

It's not true, so it makes no sense.

westerners will make this in to something like
>despite women being 77% of the manga authors, only 13% get anime adaptations!!

Look kid, I've completely had it with you. You keep spouting utter drivel as if the entire country will sit up and take notice, just because you are feeling a little frustrated or are a little hurt. I've had it with your juvenile, misguided, ill informed and ultimately misguided political views. I want to rip your post apart piece by piece and let you understand just how wrong you are, but sadly, I just don't have the time or energy. I could sit here all day and point out the errors of your arguments, but I don't have the time or the patience to do so. I have better things to do with my time.

haha you said misguided twice

No wonder anime sucks now.

The vibe is really different when it's made by girls
Even in a series that has fanservice like Bisque Doll and whatever Takahashi Rumiko makes, the vibe is really different

Attached: 33340.jpg (814x788, 343.75K)

You get the general idea at least. More emphasis on emotional drama and seemingly unimportant stuff, although women are just as good at the shounen aesthetic thing. But battle shounen is a dead genre anyways.

pretty sure thats completely wrong

I always though you faggots liked this because it turned you on knowing some cunt made your favorite fateish manga but are you actually retarded to think this generally too?