Shonen Jump

According to leaks, ONE PIECE will be getting the Cover and Lead Color Page in Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #18.
Triple axe?

Attached: nextImg_2022_no17.jpg (1915x1398, 857.14K)

No lol

Wan Piss bros... not like this...

>Triple axe

issue 17 hasn't even been out yet so how did issue 18 cover and lcp get leaked

for me ? its high school family

>he doesn't know

i know OP gets early leak but this is too soon

Jesus Christ there's non-sequiters then there's this. When was the last time Jump axes two series in one issue?

I was hoping to piggyback on the next Jump thread to talk about Golem Hearts, but this sucks.

Attached: 27a83ca9-df4d-4221-823f-9fca692211fe.jpg (894x1300, 518.64K)

I think Beast Children and Tokyo Ninja Squad died together, or at least two 2019 series did.

I thought user just meant that as a seperate thing to the first sentence and was just asking if he thought all 3 series would be axed
Personally I think only doron will be axed, shugomaru next round and ayashimon is either same round as shugo or the round after

ToClet here, how did you jump to that conclusion

Yui Kamino and Double Taisei actually. Both were decent enough, just not as good as everything else.

We had triple axes before...

>he doesn't know

Doron please live

Why would that imply a triple axe

Ayashimon isn’t getting axed no matter how much Doronsisters shitpost about it

