Did it really save anime? Its been over 8 years now and it still was one of the biggest anime on Any Forums ever.

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No it's overrated shit.

Kill la Kill was unironically a mediocre overrated anime.

It's one of the best anime original series ever.
I love it so much.

Anime is dead, there has not been a single good anime for over a decade now

I don't remember a anime being as much fun as Kill La Kill. Yeah JoJo is fun too but its a adaptation not a original show.

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Seethe harder tastelets.

I still rewatch Kill La Kill every now and then. It's good fun.

Sometimes to switch it up I'll even watch it dubbed.

I rewatched a few episodes a few days ago and I was smiling the whole time. Kill la Kill has so much energy and soul in it its crazy

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Go back.

This and Cross Ange are the two shows I'm glad I watched while they were airing.

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Kill la Kill makes me sad because it makes remember much better of my life. Browsing Any Forums every week when Kill La Kill was airing was probably my favorite experience I got from this whole website.

I remember there being so many threads about this show. Multiple threads about different waifu's from the show where allowed. Crazy sticky's being made and just everyone who watched it being wholesome as fuck.
God I miss all of that so much.

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Anyone who enjoys the technical work/personally works with animations will greatly enjoy it. I’ve animated a few shorts, and watching this show frame by frame is absolutely beautiful. For example in episode 1 Ira enters the classroom. His sizes changes in almost every cut, but is times so perfectly with the camera movements, and cuts that it is smooth, funny, and so impactful that even when another character is a similar height to him I still see Ira as being head and shoulders above everyone else

Did Trigger even make any good anime again besides Kill La Kill, Space patrol Luluco and Inferno Cop.

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How is that any different from now? Clearly you're still browsing Any Forums.

Ok tranny.

I was younger and happier also it was before woke bullshit that came in 2015 and all the shit we have to deal with these days.


ninja slayer

I said good


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Gridman and Dynazenon