Death Note sucks

>could reshape the entire world by demanding sweeping political and economic change, killing any politicians and corporate executives who did not submit to his will.
>decides to use his newly acquired god-like power to kill petty criminals and makes no attempt to bend mankind to his will or fundamentally alter the status quo.
>series that could have explored nuanced questions about society, morality, and the nature of power is instead about two anime pretty boys having an edgy teenage mind battle.
>commonly cited as one of the greatest manga/anime ever made

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Death note just proved you could make a shonen out of anything, just make every scene over the top and every character act like is on cocaine

Did you even read it? It’s stated multiple times he ended all wars, corruption etc.

A single book wasn't gonna save him if he exposed himself though.

not to mention the fact considering the show sets the MCs up as "geniuses", their decision making does not support that fact and the only proof of their genius is giving them little peek into the script because most of the "deductions" they make are mere asspulls and if they would set themselves into a corner they'd be usually saved by plot armor, minus their respective death scenes

if they just said that it happened, and neither showed it happening nor explored the implications of such a massive change to society in the narrative, then the story is not really about Light using the death note to change the world, it's about him fighting L, which in my opinion is far less interesting.

>decides to use his newly acquired god-like power to kill petty criminals and makes no attempt to bend mankind to his will or fundamentally alter the status quo
Doesn't matter he got results. He reduced 70% of global crime.

>nor explored the implications of such a massive change to society in the narrative
Didn't they mention how children were now threatening bullies with posting their names and pictures on the internet, websites dedicated to exposing criminals faces and names and stuff like that? We don't see how society shifted too hard but we do get some glimpses.

Wait, you're telling me this shonen manga doesn't take a methodical and philosophical approach to its subject matter and instead focuses on over the top life or death scenarios that a younger audience would find appealing? But why would it do that?

wow some high schooler decided to use his god-like powers to enforce a tough on crime bill. what a compelling story.

In truth, if the manga just did,
>corrupt politician...bad
It would be far less memorable. The fight with L is what sold it. We already know that >corrupt politician...bad. This is common knowledge from any discussion forum.

>he should kill corporate guys and not criminals
Why not both? Or are you one of those 'burglars are the real victims' types?

Yeah, the point is that he's a dumb kid
with an incredibly underdeveloped morality and a huge superiority complex.

He was never gonna save the world,
Ryuk just liked seeing this smarter than average kid dodge the cops all day

If I remember right, L literally calls him out for what you posted.
You'd know that if u had actually watched the show.


>Light never fucked Misa
>Yagami spelled backwords spells "I'm a gay"

Absolute faggot and the least relatable MC ever in history.

Attached: Misa 1645905830234.png (1999x1503, 3.4M)

he could threaten politicians and corporate executives with death - people with actual power who could make the changes that he wanted, which is natural source of tension and conflict which would drive the plot. killing known corrupt politicians or mob bosses without making any making any demands would obviously be boring.

Death Note is not a good study of Light as character. The problem is that Light must always be portrayed as badass and cool, so it is very hard for the story to be truly critical of him when its own framing is an implicit endorsement of his behavior.

Having such a great concept as the death note wielded by a protagonist with a simplistic worldview is a waste of potential to me. Maybe you could have told an interesting story that really explores his immaturity and egomania, but he could not be portrayed as a super genius like he is in the story that we got.

The bullies thing didn’t happen but the websites were explored pretty early on but even then he just used it to fuel his ego

>ohba is homophobic
>proceeds to write the gayest protagonist ever

It seemed implied to me that they fucked off screen.

Who'll survive and who will die, up to Yogiri to decide

He's a teenager with no life experience. What the fuck do you expect?