Sailor Moon

Usagi or Rei?

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Usagi and Rei.

Usagi's mom.

Unpopular, but I prefer Usagi.

>retarded hair or "Fuck me" heels?

The choice is obvious.

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Usagi is best girl but Rei is hottest.

Except in the colored manga art with her stupid blue/purple hair.

Rei's hair is pure sex

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It was ironically her who made me realize I was attracted to feminine guys

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I will ravage her womb with or without her consent

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For the record I like all types of women and feminine guys are the only guys I like
Anyways give me a girl who makes people think we're a gay couple

Rei is a femcel so she can watch and do my laundry

Makoto, jupejupe was quite cute on ice

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>I only know the sailors by their dubbed names

I could agree if Usagi were a crybaby who drags her friends down, and Ami once almost leave abroad to have her PhD in Medicine, before she changed her mind. But that doesn't mean that these are valid excuses for Rei to be an obnoxious brat who thinks she have the right to be a bigger boss to everyone, and how she in general, was larping as the resentful rival straight out of a Shonen manga.

Fighting evil in the moonlight
Living life in the daylight
Never running from a real fight
She's the one named Sailor moon

Her outfits range from comfy to simple to chic. I love her taste.

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She's way hotter in crystal

Tbh could never get into crystal- if I want to read the manga I'd just do that. The og anime is a classic tho, always enjoyed the colour pallette in it.

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Rei obviously

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>Never running from a real fight
Yeah right