
>The church hates all non-humans and ends up being the main bad guy
Isn't this getting old?

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if it ain't broke, don't fix it

>anything but broke

It's realistic.

Which is pretty funny considering how Japan treats the Christians

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It’s because they’re not THE Church, LOTR didn’t have churches for this exact reason

Too bad no anime goes the based route and has the mc acknowledge that non-humans are a plague and join the church to purge the world of their disease.

didn't christians try to forcibly convert them or something

>Church is good and God is good omniscient and omnipotent
>there are demon lords who have to be fought back with a great deal of effort and loss

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i mean, they would
religious people do tend to be more ehtnocentric
although realistically this wouldn't necessarily make them the bad guys

Emperor saw Christians as a threat because his rule is made legitimate solely by the belief that he was chosen by the gods.

Having a new religion is one thing
But we are talking about an organized religion with a massive cultural power because it enforces people to help the poor, the sick, and the dying.

The Emperor lives in an ivory tower. It is a massive threat that his peasants would rather worship something else and thus, he began exterminating them

To this very day, Christians are heavily discriminated in Japan.
They incorporate the iconography, tradition, and even holidays, but never the soul of the Church

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>The church hates all non-humans
They did the same irl
Good, kikes should stay in their desert

Yes, they also spoke in tongues because they believed that god would let the Japanese understand them.

seeing as how you are singing their praises to this degree i'm not going to take this post seriously

The Portugese Jesuits were merchants first, dumbass

Until the galleon arrives selling guns for the samurai

To all of you saying "but the Church does this in real life", that's beside the point. In fiction, it's just a boring trope, now

In the same way breathing oxygen is a trope

Most nips don't really understand Christianity and the evil Catholic Church knockoff trope is very easy to work into a generic European medieval fantasy isekai so they use it a lot.
Animanga written by people who understand the faith are very rare, but refreshing to see when they do appear.


>Most nips don't really understand Christianity
They think they're nutjobs, they understand them well enough.

ok, so use a made up fantasy religion instead
christianity being a thing at all in a fantasy world is lazy

People exist in real life therefore stories with people in them are just boring tropes.

God grants strength, not an easy path. The Bible is full of many warriors and martyrs.
Also, if God deleted the Demon lord then it'd be a pretty boring manga.

There are plenty of "church good" and "church mixed/neutral" cases, or even "church bad, but the higher-ups are the MC's buddies, so whatever".

That's just how religion is. It's evil and controlling at its root.

Any series with accurate angels?

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