One Piece and Hunter x Hunter are both great

One Piece and Hunter x Hunter are both great

Attached: Oda Togashi.jpg (480x272, 25.2K)

And Stein's Gate is trash

>generic harem trash is trash
No shit

Holy rent free and obsessed

Attached: okabe_4.png (1280x720, 497.83K)

Madoka better than all 3

True, but most people need to measure their worth by trying to prove their favorite series is the best one.

>Diarrhea and a fine wine are both great.

Based, HxH and One Piece are both good. Steins Gate is shit.

I give up, someone else do the storytime please. I can give you the volumes if you want

Post a link or something

Where do I put them

Madoka and One Piece are the best.

One piss is trash fuck off.

Google drive or Mega

Hxh is not great, yorknew and hunter exam are the only arcs that are actually good


both are trash

Cant fucking wait for the next spoilers of One Piece, even tho i dropped it years ago I want to see how much more the fans will cope


Why does Togashi has the exact same expression in every picture?

He's probably just an awkward guy

Togashi looks like Bob Saget

Attached: 5D323D10-0DDD-4234-B3EB-6D5F73B0EE06.jpg (696x390, 36.02K)

Cope with what? The 'twist" that's been building up for over a decade?