Manga either never ends and runs up until the author dies, or the ending is absolute shit

>manga either never ends and runs up until the author dies, or the ending is absolute shit.
Why this is a must and how can we fix this?

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maybe try stop reading trash like FMA

How did you come to that conclusion?

It's an inherent problem with the format because it's not meant to stop, it's meant to go until people read it.
The only solution is to draw it all in one go and release it, but that's not viable for many reasons (mainly because how many pages manga takes).

Get a faithful enough successor as writer. This is an huge industry problem, writers should get granted someone that knows all the secrets and how the story will continue, if the writer dies, the show must go on, you can't just stop his legacy there. Imagine if Oda got covid and passed today, wouldn't be terrible is his passion work ended abruptly for a little flu? I think that not.

>how can we fix this?
By reading more manga, this is actually quite a rare occurrence.

it wouldn't be the same berserk was something special and it would be hard to find someone who could do it justice

you were talking about shit endings, duh

its a monthly or weekly comic that needs to meet demands of that schedule and is then cancelled when it cant keep up/runs out of ideas, so is given a couple chapters to finish. if they told stories for sake of stories, theyd have good endings. they have concepts to get serialized and milk until sales drop and get cancelled. you get bad endings because they are failed ideas and milked dry concepts with no plot or story preconceived and worked towards and forced endings.

Maybe, but it's still better than having no closure for such a long-running story no?

Do LNs have better endings than manga?

>playing Dragon's Dogma
>romancing notCasca
>she gets absolutely asswhooped in a duel
>villain goes "wow you suck, try warming beds instead lmao"
>she just cries and goes home
Never has my stock in a character dropped so hard.

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You're supposed to weaken the guy enough and let her get the final shot in. Also, make sure you keep feeding her cloudwine- she fucking LOVES that shit.

>Romancing Goat
>And not the witch loli
There's your mistake

>You're supposed to weaken the guy enough and let her get the final shot in.
What, really? I read up about it on the wiki beforehand and only saw these routes:
>he beats her and she gives up, he escapes
>arisen beats him and he dies (wakestone shit for further story)
>Arisen attacks her too and she gives up
There's more?

You're right and in Berserk Schierke is probably better too, but I was hoping for something more than nothing.

Not that user but yeah, you could interfere somewhat. Also, lmao at that wakestone for further story. It's basically just so you can "romance" him. You get basically nothing since that part is close to the dragon.

Same user here, yeah man- you basically help her win her duel- the trick is to get her to get the final attack in. If you're a mage- it would make it so much easier cuz you can heal her and buff her weapons. Almost as if the game wants opposites to attract and complete each other- which would be so fucking cute of capcom.

Well you get the shield at least, it looks cool.

Is that an actual ending or what? I can find nothing about it online.

The short answer is you can't. The publishing/editor side wants their cash cows to run as long as possible, and the creative side is probably very invested in what they've made and either feels like they haven't fully explored the concept (probably in part because the editor/publisher keep cockblocking them) or just doesn't have the mental fortitude to come up with a fresh new concept and wants to keep their job

>Is that an actual ending or what?
There is no ending. Whoever you romanced gets kidnapped anyway and then they hang around your shitty shack Post Dragon. Iirc, she still leaves because she thinks she's of better use to your mission if she goes home and asks for help to fight off the dragon. Nothing much changes really.

I meant to that quest specifically.