Constantly making Ashita no Joe references (riding pigs, pointing to the sky, cross counter)

>constantly making Ashita no Joe references (riding pigs, pointing to the sky, cross counter)
>dad's name is Joe
>his death is an Ashita no Joe reference
>no more references after he dies

What did Gainax mean by this? Were they trying to make some point about the old age of shonen passing on the torch to the new one represented by Simon, or were they just all spergs way too into boxing manga?

Attached: images - 2022-03-15T212943.582.jpg (739x415, 27.44K)

>or were they just all spergs

>or were they just all spergs way too into boxing manga?

I got no idea but what I do know is that Kamina was the true MC we deserved while Simon is a plot carried NPC

>were they just all spergs way too into boxing manga?
According to interviews with the creators, this.

It means I remember.
I remember Joe.

Why not both?

Attached: grinning kamina.jpg (1920x1080, 718.4K)

Pfff as if Simon was amazing and completely eclipsed his brother. Kamina himself said much of his bravado was just a case of fake it till you make it. Simon hits so many more notes and his growth was stellar. Kamina is great don't get me wrong; Simon's just better.

>Kamina was the true MC we deserved
It's like you missed the entire point of Gurren Lagann. How is that even possible?

They just didn't know what other reference to make

That's not a ref.

Show was dumb.

Who's joe?

I dropped the anime when they killed best guy, sorry not interested in watching Simon. Yoko was meh too, good for masturbation but in reality another empty Misty-tier anime girl

There's apparently this old anime called "Ashita no Joe" (Joe from Tomorrow or sth). Haven't watched it desu but it seems to be a big deal

It's good that some anime producers still remember Joe.

Okay I guess I should rewatch Guren Lagan completely, watched it last time like 5 years ago for like 8 episodes, maybe I'll see what all the hype about Simon is, cuz from what I remember he was nothing to write home about

Episode 8 is literally the turning point for Simon as a character. The next several episodes are the build up and climax to this character growth that had been mounting in the background the entire time. Kamina was there as a bombastic catalyst for Simon to come into his own.

>the old age of shonen passing on the torch to the new one represented by Simon
That makes zero sense, shounen is a manga magazine demographic and TTGL is an original anime.

Whats ashita no joe?

>no more references after he dies
The other man that Yoko loves also dies