Kaiji manga chapter 412

Mario chads... looks like we can actually win this after all.
What are your predictions? Still going by the theory that he'll get out of the store incognito dressed as a woman? Or will it be something else?

Why has there been so many people saying this arc is boring? The slow schedule makes it seem longer but on a re-read things actually flow quite nicely. All these little hurdles and challenges they face are actually quite tense to read, if not as much as the gambles themselves.

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We just already had a very similar setup and it doesn't really do anything new, and honestly Kaiji making the plan for Mario is kind of lame too since it was an oplortunity to see what Mario can do on his own two legs like both Chang and Kaiji already had to do

Isnt their plan just to have him jump in a waiting car and they book it away after he leaves the store naturally

Update never ever
We've been stuck on this chapter for ages

Raws are currently at 417
I don't know why the translation always lags a couple chapters behind, but it seems intentional

>last chapter: 19 days ago

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i can't take it anymore please make it stop it's been years i can't take any more of fukumoto's self insert blog - 24 billion escape can someone just please get caught

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I simply think that this entire arc is happening because Mario is retarded

I honestly thought the plot was finally gonna get moving but it looks like the gang is making it out again

>The slow schedule makes it seem longer but on a re-read things actually flow quite nicely. All these little hurdles and challenges they face are actually quite tense to read, if not as much as the gambles themselves.
I think the storytime has proven that reading the manga volume by volume is more enjoyable than reading chapter by chapter, for most people at least.

I hope the plan is to release multiple chapters at once, since the plot is moving at a glacial pace right now.

Why are they doing this

Looks like nobody cares OP


It's a shame because it'd have been a good opportunity to continue getting into Mario's backstory, but it was secretly a kaiji problem all along

i miss kazuya, when is he coming back?
also what is the kaiji endgame? I thought we would eventually get a kazutaka rematch but it doesn't really seem to be going that way

It obviously has to eventually go that way which makes this whole arc feel like a huge waste of time, because we know they have to get caught eventually

Yeah I wanted to see Mario get some development. I guess not every character has to be smart like Kaiji or Chang though...

Mario is a bit of a retard, but this seemed like a fine situation to delve deeper into his "runaway instincts"
Instead he just kind of got lucky and Kaiji is working on bailing him out

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Does FKMT forget how old he is? The clock is ticking man, hurry up

>you're dying old man give me ending NOW
I see this sentiment in Ippo threads, I doubt they could give a single shit about you or what you want

It's doubly weird for Ippo because Morikawa got hit by his friend Miura's death recently but instead of realizing life is fleeting he keeps dragging out the plot with shit nobody cares about