Baki Dou Raws ?

Where Raws ?

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>He doesn't know

user I'm sorry, but there is no new Baki chapter till April 17th.
Today we're getting the first chapter of the Yuuenchi spin-off tho.


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Its true

Why do antivax cucks call it that?

Some people think we're getting a Dou part 3.

Because it is fast and effective, even Musashi praised it

but why we had a hiatus not to long ago is there a reason ?

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There is a 30th anniversary thing going on at the Tokyo Dome, might have taken some time away

until then it's all low tier shitposting isn't it ?

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Probably yes, unless Yuuenchi turns out ti be very engaging

they will probably show son of ogre part 2 anime

Might get a trailer at least

What would next Biden appear look like?
Biden Baki look more competent than actually Biden, which funny as it mean to mocking PoTUS

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Pickle trailer will come

that and women giving us their shitty takes

Who is Yuuenchi?

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This is probably my favourite Yujiro reaction but I can never remember what moment/part it's from

chapter 260