
why does gatsu body look so weird in the berserker armor?

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Gatsu? His name is Guts faggot

why does user look so weird hunching over the keyboard? oh look- he straightened his back. but why does he still look so weird?

Kind of going heavy into the Berserk hate spam aren't you? Maybe relax. Thats like 4 threads in a few hours.

So, he's gay, right?

The armor looks too symmetrical.

The way the leg armor is constructed, it looks like he has very feminine legs

I'm lying on my bed though

Hot can we cuddle pls

Guts is not human. He's a monster or monster/human hybrid. I wouldn't expect humans to be born from rotting carcasses of dead women, able to fight monsters 1000x bigger and stronger than a normal human, recover from severe injuries in mere days, and have sex with monsters.

>have sex with monsters.
Kekw, I would gladly fuck a monster and not get any disease at my end.

Doesn't the armor literally bore into his flesh and bones when he goes into Berserk mode? That oughtta fuck your bone structure up in the long run.

>Berserker armor worse side effect isn't going crazy but turning into a woman
>Effect is bad enough that Skull Knight abandoned using the armor
>The female elve from the armor's memories is actually post transition Skull Knight

good question

Fuck, I hate you that anatomy is pretty bad and now I that I've noticed I will never unsee it when looking at this panel

There's a literal army of furry-backed retards calling legosi from beastars "legoshi" because an official (retarded) source material labeled him that despite Bella Lugosi clearly being both a real name and inspiration for the chatacter.

Looks perfectly fine to me. I'm sorry Guts isn't built like your favorite twink MC.

God fucking damnit I'm still in disbelief that Miura is dead. And we won't ever see any more Berserk again.

We won't ever see Miura's Berserk again, but we might see SOME berserk again. It's a long shot though.

>Bella Lugosi
Still, the furfags got it right (accidentally I reckon) that Lugosi Béla's name should be said with a shi ending to be authentic.

Guts is pretty fucking emaciated and lost a lot of muscle mass during that part of the series.