Why japs has this faggy trend of hiding their identities as authors?

Why japs has this faggy trend of hiding their identities as authors?

Attached: fag.png (553x568, 418.72K)

>t. anonymous

only the beta ones do

Attached: Screenshot.png (201x229, 76.05K)

It's only modern mangakas. Like, really recent.
I'm not from Japan but I guess new mangakas are just too...embarassed of their job? Their is no other plausible reason

Why would you not want to hide yourself from possible otaku terrorists who got angry you didn't pick their waifu?

No? It's a smart thing to do, privacy is valuable. Being a mangaka isn't a job where they need to sell their face and do public shows. It protects you from crazy fans.

Are you asking why people don't want to be harassed by insane fans?

They are just weak otakus, I would just beat the shit of them

Seriously how fucking retarded do you have to be to post on Any Forums of all sites while not understanding the value of privacy?

Buy a gun, pussy

so they don't have to deal with fans because it's annoying.

Any Forums posting is not a work with prestige

>why isn't everyone an attention whore
Pen names have been a thing for centuries.

This just proves they write their shit and are not attention whores wanting attention for whatever shit.
Japanese are no subhumans like the average american and they actually respect authors privacy, you are just too used to your retarded paparazzi culture where people can't take a shit without some nigger wanting to take a photo of your shit.

FPBP OP is a fag

its so that when they start biking over to grope middle schoolers and get cancelled they can just switch to a different identity

speak for yourself faggot, all of my posts are art.

More like shart

before you could even try that your house would be in ashes

Because they aren't photogenic

>country has a long history of fanatic fans bordering on actual criminal activities
>trend of doxxing and witch hunting artists for having a different best girl
i don't know user
add the increasing trend of the increasing number of western fans who have an affinity towards doxxing and witch hunting people for drawing female characters with slightly smaller breasts who worldview started spreading and combining with jap autism

What are you, a cuck? Can't defend yourself with your bare hands?


>he doesn't know about the Gorillaz and Prozzak

As someone who got a stalker over something dumb (a comic), yeah, having your face in public it's kind of fucked up.