I watch anime, like One Piece and Dragon Ball

>I watch anime, like One Piece and Dragon Ball

Attached: 3FA7B5BD-3038-471A-A870-7789CC712804.jpg (1920x1080, 537.1K)

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implying kaguya is any less normie

Still better than moeshit and harem romcoms

same but one girl recommended to me
>Tokyo Ghul

go back dumb normalfag

You're like a bot

Ok phonefag

It's just anime. No need to take it seriously. Just consoom what you enjoy and let others do the same.

>no I don't read manga

manga is decent

>I watch anime that are 5 minutes or less

Attached: kayuga-sama.jpg (1920x1080, 224.91K)

Do you think only one person calls you out on this shit or something

>Just consoom
Kill yourself npc

wojakposting should be a permaban on all boards

Attached: angy wabbit.gif (500x625, 1.78M)

get out.

Anime is made for braindead consumption. I bet you think you're smart because you watch a specific kind of anime.

>Anime is made for braindead consumption
I miss when Any Forums was for people had actual love for their hobbies and actually cared about anime.

Kaguya is worse than Naruto or One Piece. Fact.

Attached: 1623872345553.webm (1920x1080, 2.29M)

>t. Salty Shonen tards crying that Kaguya is now more relevant and talked about than their generic Shonen shit


>coping this hard
Nah, your rom com is shit and it's devolved into generic shounen shit itself. You might as well be a shounenfag.


>devolved into generic shounen shit itself.
Jesus you have no idea what you're talking about

isn't kaguya having some arranged marriage, family drama arc?

whatever helps you sleep at night

Kaguya is a shonen.

Liking shitty romcoms isn’t any less embarrassing than liking battle shounen

if we're talking about anime, shounens aren't even that bad of a starting point
the only thing i find wrong with this approach is that they are very fucking long and newbies wouldn't want to sit through that



>anime is for braindead consumption

The board was better than then, aye. There are still traces of community left in certain threads but these people just sadden me.

God she makes my penis so hard

Yeah, the typical thing of shounen.

>N-NO! You must ONLY use MY approved buzzwords!
lmao fuck off

I feel like that's rose tinted glasses. Gatekeeping was always a thing on Any Forums, way more buzzwords nowadays though

The series or Kaguya herself?

It's not really that typical in shounen and shounen would just solve by beating up everyone behind the arranged marriage

It's a joke user.

>Gatekeeping was always a thing on Any Forums,
How the fuck is
>Anime is made for braindead consumption.
gatekeeping if anything it's the opposite I'm fine with gatekeeping it's these retards I can't stand and they're the reason we gatekept in the first place.

The absolute state of Any Forums

>who cares about quality, fun is fun
>normies = shit taste
maybe gatekeeping was the wrong word, but it's more or less the same