Baki spin-off Yuenchi

The first 10 pages of the Baki spin-off manga Yuenchi will be released for free before publication

Attached: Yuuenchi.jpg (1108x1478, 355.37K)

Do we know if this is a remake or continuation of the novel?

I think someone here said it would continue it


How come?

Applause for WILD FANG PROJECT for having finished Yuenchi TWO FUCKING YEARS AGO!! You teenagers, acting as if this shit just came out yesterday, all aboard the Hype wagon HUUUUWW HUUUUWWW

Attached: Yuenchi05v000.jpg (1053x1509, 552.82K)

Attached: Yuenchi05v001.jpg (1052x1509, 400.51K)

Attached: Yuenchi05v002.jpg (1053x1509, 347.53K)

It's all Yuuenchi's novels but starts from chapter 5, Yuuenchi have 5 volumes

I'm trans btw not sure if that matters

where can i read it?

I want to be able to follow the whole story

it doesn't matter, we don't care about it

Please dont indulge Ichido

Why skip the first 5 chapters

Jesus this translation is horrible. Learn to write.

Its Ichido user

I'm aware

He will never learn to write

but this is a novel, with the minimal use of images, there woud be nothing left of the original reading wildfang fanfiction
