What is this anime hairstyle called?

What is this anime hairstyle called?

Attached: Seth Ross.jpg (612x686, 155.19K)

hair antenna


It's called the "fuck off back to Any Forums".

Rude, you didn't even answer his question

Damn bro I'm sorry

aerith hairstyle sometimes sasuke hairstyle sometimes sakura hairstyle



Extreme Widow's Peak
>He doesn't know

Attached: lastorder.jpg (674x1000, 132.04K)

Peak 1997 aesthetics .

Integra from Hellsing has this exact hairstyle. Pretty sure that was an intentional reference though

Damn bratty ahoges... Need scissor correction!

Air vents



The Sephiroth

i will tell you truthfully - they are called vents. any anime girl who doesnt have them will die from overheating

Gay lmao

It's called "The author has not touched grass for months"

Gay's Delight '97 Special