What do you like to rewatch and how often

What do you like to rewatch and how often

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I didn't think it was that great am I crazy?

the most ive rewatchad have to be porco rosso and patlabor ova+ the first movie

Madoka and Haruhi are probably my most rewatched. Steins;Gate is good too.

Not watch, but I read Blame! every 3 months or so

I rewatched Girls und Panzer 8 or so times.
Doesn't help that we get a single OVA every 3 fucking years

Don't you get bored, reading the same thing constantly. I mean I can understand reading it, like once a year, but every 3 months just seems too much.

There's no words and I find something new every time. Every page is art, so I don't get bored. To be fair, it may be my favorite peice of media ever. I have the physical copies (I don't own anything else physically from Japan except for my cooking knives), as well as every shred of blame related content ever produced on a hard drive, and its the only anime I have a backup of.

>Every page is art
can't argue with that.


>rewatched the anime so much I burned myself out so hard I can't rewatch it again

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what was it?

code geass once a year

haruhi and lucky star every year

That's totally normal. When I first watched I loved it but I thought it was some niche unpopular anime. It didn't seem to me like it would be everyone's cup of coffee

I'll put Cowboy Bebop on in the background sometimes when I'm doing stuff

Pic very much related, for me

Not Shits;Gate that's for sure.

I re watch HIkaru no go every year then read the manga and cry myself to sleep after.

with you fellow blame! enjoyer.

I'm sure you've read aposimz?

the one in the OP