How does he even compete anymore? Base Luffy wrecks him without contact (counters Logia)

How does he even compete anymore? Base Luffy wrecks him without contact (counters Logia)

Attached: One-Piece-Blackbeard.jpg (1400x700, 439.13K)

He dosent. He will team up with Luffy against the true big bad. Either IM, Shanks, or both of them

He has Rocks' spirit inside him. Rocks is going to be the the opposite of what Joyboy is.

Luffy might literally have his DF disabled for a large chunk of the fight

plus the BB crew's whole thing is fighting dirty, def gonna be doing things like taking hostages or setting traps

His fruit turns off other fruits. It's really that simple.

yami yami can nullify DF's and he'll get his own Dark Nika awakening

he still has to steal a zoan fruit to complete the trifecta, give him a third powerful fruit and he'll give luffy a fair competition

He literally can't
Any he will do, Luffy will answer with

>use yami yami to turn off Luffy's fruit
>use gura gura to smash Luffy into oblivion
without rubber to protect him Luffy will take serious damage

Yami has quite literally became the underdog.

He done in one ACoC attack

YYNM must make contact, Luffy will just ACOC punch his lights out

BB isn't a conqueror

*luffy get up again*
*punches harder*
Nothing personnel, BB

Luffy has PLOT ARMOR
Very very effective

At this point I honestly wonder if Blackbeard is even going to be the final boss of the entire series. He's been built up as the anti-luffy for most of the story but after everything we've seen in wano Blackbeard seems like a complete small fry. How can he possibly be a bigger threat than Kaido and Big Mom?

This is one of those cases where I hope Oda has something clever planned and isn't just going to give fans what they want. All the people that are set-up as final bosses just really don't feel like they can ever live up to that without an asspull. They should be able to play a role but being some major one-on-one fight after Kaido? I think it's just anticlimactic. It has to be more about shenanigans than a real fight.

he won't Blackbeard can't top Kaido beating luffy 5 times

Same way as Crocodile. He will just suddenly be able to use all the new haki powers that he should have had all along.

Everyone in this thread is straight-up delusional

Blackbeard and Luffy are going to go back and forth for like five years on Raftel, going to make Wano look like Arlong Park

Blackbeard already had haki pre timeskip

>Haven't even seen Luffy fight
>"Ughm how is anyone gonna compete against him"

I swear some people here are really mentally challenged

you forgot luffy knows Haki, offensive and defensive

>Everyone in here pretending like Blackbeard doesn't have the power to literally turn off DF's

Common guys don't be THAT stupid

He was just scared to use it why?

By already having two fruits?

>Grabs Luffy with Yami yami no mi to disable rubber
>Punches him with Quake

It literally falls in the same class an Enel, something that seemed so cool pre-timeskip but post-Haki just makes him look like another nobody.

BB will probably get a third fruit before they fight.

>The ability to shut down DFs is common

He also has a O MY LEGEND REINCARNATION gimmick going for him

Why do you think they'll fight?

This was pre-timeskip Piece. BB and Akainu are irrelevant now.
Evil immortal Demonking Imu and space pirates are the real villains now.

Do people really think BB is only gonna have two fruits? If he's the big bad then you know Oda will take the "multiple different powers" route, like, OFA, and he'll have at least 10 DFs.

The fight between Blackbeard and Ace really suffers nowadays because it happened before haki was really a thing. Imagine boasting about being able to touch or hit Ace.

Easy: Just consider Pre- and Post-timeskip One Piece two different series. Makes a hell of a lot more sense than it being one, continuous story taking place in the exact same world. I consider Post-T OP as a sort of a "revamp" of the series, rather than just simply a sequel.

>hey hey people