HxH is, BY FAR, the greatest intellectual work of all time, one post can't even summarize it

Its dissection will take CENTURIES, if not MILLENNIA of inquiry. Us living, in our heuristic biases of modernity, cannot grasp it wholly... yet, i, a layman, will prove beyond all reasonable doubt, it is PEERLESS, the APEX of human thought. I'm dead serious.

HxH requires not only a lifetime of STEM scholarship, but intimate, PhD-level studies of the schools of Idealism, Hegelianism, Positivism, Platonism, Existentialism, Buddhism, Gnosticism, Absurdism, Pessimism, Marxism, Confucianism, Freudianism, Jungianism, among others; To assimilate *most* of its core ideas. Its goal is a synthesis of all Logos among East and West, an unprecedented, herculean feat. The characters are... so fucking deep it HURTS, as i witness the repressed viscera of my mind all spilt. So beautiful, but raw, real, 3D. It feels as if the SAGE, ToGODshi, grips my soul, my CORE, and telepathically mentors me on the psychological, epistemological, existential... all there is. In my free time, i tread through bibles of lore just to sonder the psyches of *minor* characters like Uvogin, which any other writer would neglect. As well as researching Thermofractals, Neuromorphic Computing, Astrophysics, Pure Mathematics, Genetic Engineering, etc. so that i may model Nen and Ant Biology within the Scientific Method.

The real/allegorical HORRORS of the HxH World make even Berserk look like a Satam cartoon. To name a few: Nuclear war, cosmic horror, military profiteering, human trafficking, police states, Samsara, Meteor City, cycles of abusers, government conspiracies... It’s just SO grim, so... black. It’s terrifying how ToGODshi can endure being the tormented genius he is- his willpower and IQ lie in the top 0.00001%, if not higher.

HxH is not a mere anime, but a translation of indescribably complex reality into visual form. Each fight, such as Gon vs. Pitou, Hisoka vs Chrollo... induces LIFE-CHANGING revelations.

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cancer. You are worst poster. You make Any Forums a worse plave with every post. You are fake nerd boy.


Attached: HunterxHunter writing.jpg (824x1200, 236.09K)

this can't be real

Obvious satire but I just want to say that HxH is overrated and that the Chimera Ant Arc is shit. Greed Island though is underrated and deserves more love. That is all.

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Why not make a light novel at this point and finish the fucking story

cool falseflag

>plothole x asspull fags think this is the pinnacle of manga

Attached: makima laughing.jpg (729x481, 213.22K)

>Most powerful nen user ever ever
>jobs to a toddler


Just in case someone uses the translation cope.

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because it's still published in a shounen magazine you brainlet

this is just embarrassing



Soft-seinen-chads can't stop winning! Shonenbabies will seethe eternally

Attached: Soft Seinen.jpg (640x430, 48.23K)

What's the name of that light novel?

togashi is transcending back into book format

HxH is so great he has transcended into the realm of books

the furigana makes it look like there's more text than there actually is

>is this text in my manga?
>aaaaaaaaa no i'm going insane
do shonenspics really

soft seinen my ass

>soft seinen
who the fuck says that

